Chapter 15

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One year later, Emily and JJ were still writing letters to each other. Their love for each other grew so much, and their need for each other also grew. But, unfortunately things didn't always go like a fairy tale. "May I help you sir?"

"I'm here to visit Emily Prentiss." Hotch said showing his FBI badge. The girl nodded and sent him on his way. He walked down the long corridor of the prison before he got to the hospital part of the prison. He walked over to Emily and looked down at her.

"Don't give me that look." is the first thing she said.

"What look?" he asked.

"Your disappointed look. I didn't fight back. I just let them hit me. I did what I knew wouldn't get me in trouble." Emily explained.

"I know. But you are worrying JJ. She hasn't received a letter from you yet, and she is really worried. It's starting to distract her from her job. But that's not why I'm here. I'm here to tell you that you are going to be released soon. I don't know how long it will be. But just know that. JJ doesn't know that I'm here, so please don't tell her." Hotch said. Emily took in what he said before realizing that she hasn't said anything.

"I won't tell her. But thanks. Can you somehow tell JJ that I love her?" Emily asked. Hotch nodded his head and said goodbye to him. He thought to himself that Emily looks like hell. She looks like she hasn't gotten much sleep which is understandable.

He went out to the car and went back to the airport. He had to get back because they had a case, and the team needed him to be there. "Please tell me your on your way back?" Garcia asked as she Facetimed him.

"I am." he answered.

"Where did you go?" she asked.

"To visit a good friend who needed help. What's our case?" he asked. So Garcia explained to him what was happening, and as he got back, everyone got on the plane. On their way to Atlanta, they were discussing the case. JJ was a little more on the quiet side and looked like she was in her own world at times. When they were on their way back, Hotch was going to talk to her.

After a long three days of solving the case, the team was finally on their way back home. That means it was time to talk to JJ. "May I talk to you?" Hotch asked her, bringing her out of her trance. She nodded her head, and they went to the back seats so they could have a little more privacy. "Are you okay? You haven't been the same since you haven't gotten a letter from Emily." he said.

"I'm fine. I'm just really worried about her. She's never missed a day. What if something happened to her?" she said.

"Maybe she just hasn't gotten very much sleep."

"She would tell me. I don't know. I just have a bad feeling about it." JJ said. Hotch studied her actions for a few seconds.

"Something else is bothering you." he said.

"It's just, she's been talking about this girl in her letters, and it sounds like she is starting to like her the way she talks about her. Katrina this, Katrina that. She's pretty much all Emily talks about, and I am worried she's losing her love for me." JJ said.

"JJ, you know she loves you. I don't think she will ever stop loving you. She's loved you since you two met. She waited for you for five years. Five, JJ. If that doesn't show true love, then I don't know what does." Hotch told her. She looked down and gave it some thought. She realized that what he said was right. But she still had the thought in her mind.

When they got back, JJ went home. She checked her mailbox out of habit, and there was one thing in there. A letter from Emily. She got so excited that she literally leaped up the front step and skipped to the living room. Her smile was from ear to ear, and when she started reading it, that quickly changed.

"It's time to say goodbye. Time for me to go. It's a different way, it's a different road. One day my friend, maybe we'll meet again.

Xo- Emily"

JJ knew that this couldn't be Emily. It couldn't. But that was hard to believe when it was her handwriting. She started to tear up and put the letter down. She figured she would take a shower and try to get her mind off of what she had just read. But as she was doing that, she gets a call. She quickly got out and dried off before she answers. "This is Agent Jareau." she says.

"JJ, something's happened to Emily. We're going down to California in 30." Hotch said before hanging up. She looked at her phone for a few seconds before slamming it down on the counter and rushed to get ready and go to the BAU.


Hey! This chapter sucks so badly. I tried to make it interesting but failed. I hope you like it anyways!

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