Chapter 34

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As Emily got onto Paget's private jet, she started tearing up. "Don't cry." Paget said, walking over to her. Emily hugged her and just let it go. "I know. I know." Paget said, not really knowing what to say.

"No, you don't know. You think you do, but you don't. The amount of heartache that I have is greater than the heartache I had when I saw my husband be murdered. I'd honestly rather see that again than hear JJ tell me that she wants a divorce. All because she saw messages of Marlize and I playfully flirting. We are just friends, and I tried telling her that, but she won't change her mind." Emily explained through her cries.

"You're right. I don't know." Paget said. They sat down in a nearby seat and buckled up as the plane started to take off. After half an hour into the flight, Paget started video chatting with Ian. "Emily, someone wants to see you." Paget said and handed Emily her phone.

"Hi Emily!" Declan said.

"Hey Declan! How are you doing?" Emily asked with a smile.

"I'm fine. How are you?" he asked.

"I'm okay. It's been so long since I've seen you."

"I know! I've missed you! I can't wait to see you in person again!" Declan said.

"I can't wait to see you either." Emily said with a smile.

"Okay. Declan, can you give your father back the phone?" Paget asked.

"Yeah. Dad, the phone!" Declan shouted. As Paget was video chatting with Ian, Emily couldn't help but think about all of the times that her and JJ video chatted.

JJ was trying to hold herself up, but it was really hard when Michael kept asking about her. After a week went by, JJ realized that Emily really wasn't coming back.

"JJ? Why are you calling?" JJ heard on the other line.

"Emily, please come back! I can't do this without you!" JJ said through the phone while starting to cry.

"I can't. We're getting a divorce. I can't live with you if we are doing that." Emily said.

"We don't have to get a divorce."

"JJ, you're the one that decided that you wanted a divorce." Emily said.

"I know, but I don't know if I can go through with it."

"I can't keep doing this with you JJ. I'm sorry. I will be coming back to get my stuff in a couple of days. Again, I'm sorry." Emily said and hung up. JJ called her again. "What, JJ?" Emily asked.

"Do you think that I'm worth fighting for?" JJ asked.

"Of course I do. I would fight for you even if it meant that I would die fighting for you. But, JJ, you want a divorce. Even though I don't want to divorce you because you are my entire world, I have to respect your decision. I love you so much Jayje, but we can't keep doing this. It's messing with my emotions and probably your emotions. It's hurting us and the boys. I'm sorry." Emily said.

"Can I at least tell you something?" JJ asked, completely sobbing.

"Of course."

"I love you so much Emily Prentiss. More than you could imagine. You are worth the fight, and I will wait an eternity for you if it means that I get to hold you in my arms again everyday. I miss you so much right now Emily, it's unreal." JJ said.

"I love and miss you so much too. Goodbye JJ." Emily said and hung up.

"Goodbye Emily." JJ said, looking at her phone.

"Were you talking to JJ again?" Paget asked.

"Yeah, but-"

"Emily, you're only hurting yourself by doing this. First you look at old photos of you two and photos you took of her, and now this?" Paget asked.

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