Chapter 4

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After Emily got all of her test results back, JJ stayed by her side until she was released from the hospital. She wanted to stay with her until she knew she could live on her own, but Emily insisted on her going back to Quantico for her job, so that's what JJ did. She didn't want to, but she did. She was really happy to see her kids and husband, but she was also sad because Emily wasn't with her.

~5 years later~

"JJ we have a special assignment for you. While on this assignment, you can't work here and go on cases with us. You may contact us, but you have to change our names in your phone." Hotch told JJ.

"What do you mean? Where am I going? Why am I the one who has to do it? What do i have to do?" JJ questioned.

"You have to go undercover. The person that you are hunting happens to be a girl. She is into blonde girls, and you are the only agent who is bisexual and blonde. She is a serial killer, and she is most wanted in Russia." Hotch explained. He told her to pack for a long while because she was moving to California. She didn't know what to say to that because she knew that she couldn't bring her family with her. She questioned why he chose her because she was married to a man and had kids. She was aware that she was bisexual, but she was married.

After JJ had gone home and packed her stuff, she explained everything to Will. He understood and was surprisingly okay with it. It was for her job, so he didn't mind.

JJ left her house and went to the airport to go to California. As she was waiting, she looked at pictures of her family and started to tear up. But that was soon over when they called her flight. She quickly wiped away her tears and went to her flight. She didn't talk to anyone but the flight attendant. Of course, she had to talk to her as Lainie Richardson. But she eventually fell asleep until her plane landed in Cali.

After she got all her luggage, she went out and looked for her name. Someone by the name of Ian is picking her up. She doesn't know what he looks like. He could be a murderer for all she knows. Well, he probably was since he is associated with who she has to hunt. She actually doesn't even know the name of who she is hunting.

She found her name, and the guy holding the sign actually looks like a nice guy. He looks a little old, but he looks nice. "Lainie Richardson?" he asked.

"That's me." JJ told him. He took a few of her bags and lead her out to his car, which is a Range Rover. JJ was a little excited because she has never been so close to an expensive car before let alone in one. The car ride consisted of her getting to know Ian, and she figured out that he is honestly a really sweet man. And his son was so adorable.

Ian took JJ to where she was staying, which is the house of who she was hunting. It was like a mansion compared to her house back in D.C. "Your room is on the second floor, first room to the left." Ian told her. She nodded her head and followed his directions. When she opened the door, her mouth dropped.

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