Chapter one

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Edited as of April 17, 2021 - Aug 26, 2021 

Disclaimer: Some chapters and the scenes within this series will be cut out or edited as of now. Chapters that will be deleted are strictly ones that aren't necessary to the book. Thank you to those who catch my mistakes for me. I am forever grateful! 


Third pov

Zelda came storming out of the castle doors of her father's chambers. Link following close behind her. He wasn't sure why she seemed so mad since he had to wait outside by the door with the other guards. She slammed every door open, leading to the entry of the castle.

Link tried to keep up with her fast pace as she looks at the guardian stalkers being controlled by the Sheikah clan. Zelda sighed and faced Link, who was trying to catch his breath.

The guardians walked around the court yard of the castle just below her room. Link looked at her concerned. He didn't know what was wrong with her, or why she was so angry. But he wanted to help.

"Link... Let's go to Safula Hill." She spoke. Mentioning the Safula Hills made the knight confused, unsure of why she would want to go there now but he nodded and headed to the stables near the bottom of Hyrule castle. She grabbed her white stallion, and Link hopped onto his dark brown stallion. Then, they set off to Safula Hill.

The sun was starting to set as the horses galloped through the fields.

"Link... Do you trust me?" Zelda looked out toward the mountains. Link nodded and kept his pace with the princess. She sighed, stopped her horse in front of his and stared at him.

"Link, I need you to answer me, please! I don't want silent nods or shake of your head. I need ro hear a yes or a no!" Link stared at her for a while, as she waited for him to answer.  Link was about to nod but Zelda glared at him knowing he was. So he sighed and began to speak.

"Yes, I do trust you Zelda." He whispered. Zelda could barely hear him but she smiled anyway. He never really spoke to her about anything even when he was asked to speak up. But that was just how he was, silent, yet can say a lot without words. Regardless if it bothered her or not.

Once they arrived at the horse statue, they got off their horses and walked to the statue. She leaned over the stone wall and stared out to the mountains before them.

"My father thinks... I'm a disgrace to the kingdom. And everyone knows it, even the Sheikah clan thinks so. He tells me everyone always says I am. That I don't even deserve to be queen of Hyrule..." She looked at him with teary eyes and he walked closer toward hers.

"Link..." She hesitated at first then began, "Am I really that reckless when it comes to something I want to do or learn about? Do I go over the extreme of my father's wishes?" She covered her face with her hands and began to cry at the thought of her failing the kingdom and being such a disappointment to her only family.  Link walked to her but hesitated to do anything. He placed his hand on her shoulders, she looked up at him with tears in her eyes as he smiled at her.

To his surprise, Zelda quickly embraced him in a hug. His eyes wide and jaw half dropped. She embraced him tightly as she began to cry more tears onto his shoulder. He returned the hug and held her in his arms. She felt so weak, so hopeless, but then she started to feel safe with Link by her side. Holding him close to her.

"Thank you, Link." She whispered into his shoulder as he replied with his own share of whispers, "Your welcome, princess." She smiled sadly, releasing from the hug and looked at him. Realizing what she just did she got flustered and turned quickly around. Link looked at her confused and try to tap her shoulder but she shooed his hand away.

"D-don't touch me Link!" She pushed him away from her and waved her hips when she went to her horse. "L-lets just get going! I have to meet the Zora anyway." She hopped onto her white stallion and motioned her to go. Link quickly made his way to his stallion before the princess left him behind.

After they both got settled, and Zelda calmed herself on her horse, they made their way to Ruto mountain, left their horses at the entrance of the bridge and walked to Zora Domain.

They're just at the end of the bridge, a short red Zora fidgeting with her champion garment and a younger red Zora standing next to her.

"Sister, what's the matter?" The young Zora held his sisters hand looking worried as to why she was shaking where she stood.

"Hm? Oh, its nothing my, Sidon. I just... a little nervous that's all." She said, fidgeting with her garment.

"Nervous for what? Is it because of the pretty princess and her knight?" He asked trying to make some sense ad to why his sister was so worried.

Mipha looked down at her little brother seeing the concern in his big golden eyes. His top lip overlapping the other as his expression begged for an answer. Alas, the older Zora couldn't resist such a sight and knelt down to her brother's height. "Oh my little brother, I am worried for the princess and the knight's arrival but you shouldn't fret. I will be alright. I promise." She raised her finger and booped her brothers shark head making him grin.

Sidon gave her his usual toothy grin and a thumbs up, encouraging the Zora princess. She nodded and thanked her little brother for his worries, resting them aside as she stood up and waited by the seconds for the princess and her knight to arrive.

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