chapter twenty-four

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Link got off his horse walking him to the stables to feed him and groom his mane before he left to the Domain. He passed by Zelda not even making eye contact with her as he finished and went out the stables with his horse.

She looked at his retreating figure and sighed, closing the gate for her horse and walking out of the stables.

Link got back on his horse and left to the Domain.


I walked out of the stable and to the castle town.

Hylains smiled and waved at me, as I just smiled softly and waved. But mostly, I just couldn't think right now. Because of how I'm acting again, I lost Link, and now he probably doesn't even want to talk to me for how I've been acting toward him throughout this whole spring and activating my powers. 

I sighed running my hand over my face in exasperation and walked up the bridge to the castle and up to the gate.

I walked up the trail to the castle doors. The guards opened the doors for me as I drew closer.

"Princess, how was your journey?" A thin, tall hylian gaurd asked me.

"Fine..." I shrugged and walked into the castle and straight to my room.

I plopped onto my bed face down with my arms over my head. I turned over on my back side looking up at the ceiling.

I felt my eyes get heavy and everything around me just go away. I yawned and just let the sleep over take me.


Link made his way to Zora Domain crossing over the crystal blue bridge with his horse, up the mountain and to the Domain. 

Mipha was playing with Sidon near her father's throne room. Sidon ran around, tripping over his long hair like fin a couple of times. He ran over to Mipha with a wide smile on his face and blush staining his cheeks. Mipha smiled, picking him up and holding him.

"Tag! Tag!" He squealed happily. She laughed kissing his cold white cheek.

"Again?" She asked.

He nodded rapidly, clapping his hands. "Yay yay!" Mipha put him down to his feet and he began to run around the Domain, tripping but getting back up and continuing to run again.

Link walked into the main entrance, with his hands placed in the belt of his waist with his thumbs tucked in. Sidon came running toward him not even realizing that Link was standing there and before they both knew it, Sidon bumped into Link making him fall to his butt and hold Sidon in his lap.

Sidon looked up and blushed fiercely. He shook his head quickly covering his face with his small fin hand.

Link chuckled, removing Sidon's hands from his face and giving him a warm smile.

"Hello to you to Sidon." Link said in a whisper tone.

Sidon looked at him shyly then a wide toothy grin showed. "Hi Link!" He said giving Link a hug around his neck. Link laughed and gladly returned the hug.

"Sidon, don't... run that.. fast..." Mipha said taking a breather after each word.

"Hey Mipha." Link smiled.

"Hello Link... anyways Sidon you mustn't run that fast in the Domain or you could hurt someone." She didn't notice that Link had been there, in front of her, holding Sidon in his lap. 

"Um... Mipha?" Link called out in a whisper not even loud enough for her to hear.

"Sidon please just be more careful when you are running around the Domain. You are getting more clumsy with that tail growing so long." Link sighed as Mipha continued on scolding Sidon.

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