Chapter three

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Edited as of April 17, 2021

Zelda pov

"LINK!!" I exclaimed. Why is he up so soon? Shouldn't he still be in bed? This reckless boy! Thoughts kept running through my mind about Link. He was all healthy and ready to go like nothing ever happened to him. Suppose Mipha's healing ability was rather incredible, it was no excuse for him to be up.

He walked up closer to me and King Dorephan with a sheepish smile. Mipha walked to her father's side, bitting her lip nervously. Link stared at me like a child. He had a stupid smile planted on his face as he walked toward me.

"Link what do you think your doing up? You should be in the infirmary getting some rest, not out here being reckless!" He just sighed and looked at me.

"Well?" I placed my hands on my hips waiting for him to reply. He shrugged.

"LINK I DON'T WANT YOU TO SHRUG! I WANT YOU TO SAY SOMETHING!" I yelled at him. Everyone looked at me with a confused and shock expression. Link was taken back by my sudden outburst. I looked at everyone around me, and felt so dumb and idiotic. Why did I have to make a scene... Why again! Link walked to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I flinched and looked at him, tears forming in my eyes. He began to speak, "I'm sorry Zelda." He whispered. I couldn't even feel my legs I felt so weak again. Why does link always make me feel weak knowing I've messed up countless times.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything but nod or give you a shrug. I should speak up to you more. So... now I am. And to answer your question from earlier, I'm feeling much better and no need to be in the infirmary or for you to be worried. Also, I'm not doing anything reckless. I just came to tell you I was up, healed, and ready to go." He smiled. I looked at him shocked. He never spoke this much before.

He snapped me out of my thoughts and looked at me concerned. "S-sorry Link. But... uh... erm..." I had no words to say to him. I yelled at him, called him out, and here he is right now telling me simply that he's okay. I covered my face with my hands, ashamed of what I did. I always make a mess of things don't I?

"You don't have to apologize princess. It was my fault for not answering you correctly. I'm the one who should be sorry." He removed my hands from my face, and I couldn't help but feel so flustered at the sight of everything and everyone.

Mipha looked at me concerned, King Dorephan grinned, Muzu just humphf and little Sidon was just clapping. Then there was Link looking at me with a sweet smile across his face. I removed his hands from my shoulder and gazed into his blue eyes.

"Thank you... again." I chuckle lightly and he joins me. His laugh is so soft and gentle. Why isn't he like this all the time? I suppose I'm the reason however.

Mipha's father laughed heartily at the two of us, "You too would make an amazing partnership." King Dorephan said.

"WHAT!?" the three of us said in unison. I could feel my face get red as a tomato, and when I turned toward Link his hand was over his mouth covering his cheeks. I looked at his ears and they had a red tint at the tip. The King just laughed heartily at me and Link. I couldn't believe I was blushing! Blushing!! And so was Link! Link of all people to be blushing! Why, why, why! I couldn't even consider the possibilites that he might have been embarrassed by what the King said, the only thing that rammed my mind was why he was blushing.

"Erm... uhh...K-king Dorephan l-I don't think that is n-necessary to talk a-about..." I stuttered.

He smiled down at us and clapped his large fins together. We looked up at him, awaiting for him to speak.

"Alright! Well, Princess Zelda and her knight Link, I call this meeting to be officially over you may leave." He said. I tilted my head in confusion but shook it off. Link nodded and started heading down the stairs. Mipha staying by her father's side, waving goodbye to Link as he waves back with a smile. I thank King Dorephan and walk with Link, waving to Mipha. We both gathered our belongings packed with us, and set for Gerudo Town leaving the confusing and embarrassing moment behind us.

Mipha's pov

I looked at my father wondering why he would say such a thing to Zelda and Link having a partnership. Maybe he was just joking around and wanted to see their reaction, or maybe he was actually serious. What if people do see princess Zelda and Link together? Was Link blushing as well? I couldn't tell. He surely has no feelings toward the princess, right? Thoughts kept wondering through my head, and my brother shook me out when he tugged my champion garment.

"Huh? Oh. Hello brother, what is it?" I bent down to his size and caresses his soft, cold cheek.

"When is Link coming back?" He asked with a small pout. I chuckled at the sight.

"Um... I'm not sure brother. But I think it will be very soon." I said with a soft tone and smiled. He pouted. "Brother, do you like Link?" I asked him with an eyebrow raised. He had a tint of innocent blush growing on his cheeks. He looked down fiddling with his fingers. I smiled at him and raised his chin up with my finger.

"Its okay brother. I won't tell." I placed a finger to my lips, he looked up at me and smiled happily with a small blush still staining his white cheeks. He hugged me tightly and ran off to his room. I stood up and walked to my room as well.

Why do I feel this way? Why does everyone like Link all of a sudden now. I know its selfish but... I couldn't stop thinking about Link and all these possibilities about him. But why would I feel this way unless I'm...

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