chapter fourty-three

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We stepped inside the large room noticing nothing was on the floor. No rubble, banners. Nothing. Link walked more to the middle of the room spotting no sign of damage.

"Why doesn't it look like Calamity ruined it? It looks exactly the same." Link said turning on his heel to face me. I didn't know myself, I was just as confused as him.

He took out his sword from its sheath holding it place, if anything were to happen. I approached him, "Link are we even one hundred percent sure that the Calamity is here?" I asked. He looked over his shoulder giving me a shrug.

Gee that helps a ton...

I walked to his side resting my wing on his shoulder and making him face me. "Link, what if that calamity isn't here and we just risked our lives for nothing? Risked Zelda's life for nothing?" The last part came out softer then I would have expected from myself. I didn't like her in a romantic way or anyway for that matter and she still ment something to me. Not as much as Link did. But still enough.

"I-I don't know Revali... maybe we should just leave. As long as Zelda is okay now I guess we could leave since it's-" before Link could finish his own sentence a loud goopy sound landed right next to our feet. We both looked down seeing the magenta like red and black muck next to our feet.

We stepped apart, both of us looking up to see a large cocoon like bolge on the ceiling of the room just moving in a up and down formation.

"I think that's-"

"That calamity."

A loud scream was heard from the cocoon as it slowly opened up in a small explosion as it fell strong t diwn to the floor causing it to break and crumble down.

"Revali!" Link yelled, falling under all the rumble along with the Calamity.

I rushed down to him. Supporting him down more gentle by my talons, setting him down in the floor. He stumbled to his feet, giving me a thankful smile.

"Thanks." I nodded.

The creature, monster, Calamity, shrieked loudly as it glowed magenta and blue around it's small cracks. It's yellow eyes glowing as it moved side to side and up the wall with a small trail of yellow leaving behind from the yellow glow.

Link looked at the creature with no fear in his eyes, just determination. While I and the opposite. I was afraid. Scared of what would happen if we didn't kill it. How was Link not thinking what I was?

"Revali look out!" I snapped out onky thoughts turning my head toward Link as he came running toward me. I looked at him confused not long before hearing a loud beeping noise coming from above me. I looked to the noise, frozen still. Link-before the beam hit me- pushed me out of the way as the blue beam not the floor where I was once standing. He held himself up on top of me not long before quickly getting up.

I stood along with him following the Calamity around the circular room.

"Revali, for any ideas?" Link asked. I shook my head, giving him a smirk.

"But that's the best part right?" I gave him a smirk. I was afraid to do this. No terrified! I wanted to fly away from this Castle to leave Link alone. But I can't. I had to be like Link, after all this time of hating him, and judging. I had to be like him this time. I had to be strong like him and determined. I had to be the real me.

Link held his sword up, sideways blocking his face as he walked to his side and I walked the other way. We circled around the Calamity so it would have to attack only one of us instead of both. The Calamity jump high up to the ceiling, plunging down to Link. I got out my bow holding it up to the Calamity. The point was aimed straight for its eye, since all the other blight would die faster from it. Link stood with his sword up.

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