Chapter seventeen

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Edited as of May 16, 2021

Mipha pov

I walked to my father's throne room remembering the soft kiss Link placed on my cheek. That moment almost felt like a dream to me and I wish I gave in instead of being selfless.

"C'mon Mipha! Let's goooo!" Sidon exclaimed as he tugged at my arm pulling me along forward towards the throne room. Such an impatient little Zora he was. I laughed to myself as I reached down to grab the little Zora in my arms carrying up to where my Father was.

"Father, you wanted to see me?" I asked politely bowing a little as I set Sidon down on his feet. My father lifted his hand in front of me and chuckled.

"No need for that, my daughter." His deep voice boomed through the throne room his eyes fixed on my with a smile as he continued, "I wanted to you about Link regarding Hyrule Castle. Lady Impa as shared with me information that she would liked to be past by the Hero so he may inform the Princess and speak to me." It was odd to me that Impa didn't just tell the Princess herself instead of making Link, but I suppose she had her reasons.

"Of course father. But couldn't Lady Impa just tell the princess instead of making Link leave to tell her to come here? It seems like to much trouble to make such a trip to just come back right after." I spoke up about my concerns. Mostly for not wanting Link to leave just yet.

My father stared down at me, his large hands rubbing his chin, his deep eyes giving me an understanding look as it looked like he was thinking over what I had just added. "I understand your concerns, Mipha. But I must inform the Princess myself." He replied with the same booming voice but it was much smaller and light.

"I understand, father. I shall tell Link of this so he may leave as soon as possible." I bowed my head slightly patting the top of Sidon's head as he just listened to the whole conversation. I'm sure he didn't get much of what was going on but I know he must have understood that Link had to leave. So the leave I could do was comfort him. While I had to mentally comfort myself.

I took my leave back to my room where I found Link fixing his hair into his pony tail, his typical blue hair tie hanging from his plush punk lips. His fingers wrapped around a certain clump of hair as he brushed the other strands of hair down his neck. He looked at me and muffled something. I tilted my head as I walked closer toward him with a small smile.

"What was that, Link?" I giggled.

He shook his head taking the band out of his mouth to tie his hair up, leaving half of it still down. It truly did make him handsome. Well, anything he wore made him handsome. 

"Sorry. What I meant to say was, what did your father want?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Oh! Well, he told me that Lady Impa has shared some information with him and must tell the Princess himself. So he wants you to go back to Hyrule castle to tell Zelda so she can come here." He hummed looking at me confused.

"Information? About what?" I shrugged my shoulders mirroring his confused expression. I made my way to my bed patting down a certain spot before I sat down. 

"Oh... well then I guess I should probably leave immediately " I nodded almost sadly hearing that he was going to leave. Why did I only have to be selfish when he leaves.?

"Thanks for bringing me here, Mipha. It was really fun and eventful. I never thought I'd actually experience a Zora after party before." He said with a smile, though his eyes were averting my gaze. I wonder why? "Also... I'm- sorry. For you know..."

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