chapter thirty

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~~next day aka Mount Lanayru~

Zelda woke up at the start of dawn dressing in her white dress and having her new winter outfit over it. She fixed her hair in her usual style and walked out her room to Link's.

Link was already up way earlier, sharpening his sword and getting it ready just in case anything were to happen to him and Zelda at Mount Lanayru. He was in his bed bouncing a little as he was sharpening his sword. He had a smile on his face and humming to himself. (just so you know he's humming lost woods because I like that song)

Link held his sword up in front him examing it. He smiled sliding it into the sheath.

Zelda knocked on the door, Link hummed in response and yelled a 'come in'. She opened the door, peeping inside to see Link. Who was half dressed with only his trousers on and boots. Link had his long sleeved beige shirt still on his arms about to put it on.

Zelda blushed a dark shade of red, fumbling to grab the door knob to close the door. Link looked her way, causing him to blush and quickly put on his shirt.

"Y-you can look now, princess." Link stuttered.

Zelda turned around to face Link and sighed in relief walking toward him. "Your not going to wear your winter outfit?" She asked sitting down on his bed. He shook his head, "I don't need it. I'm already warm with this." He smiled putting on his blue tunic iver the beige long sleeved shirt.

Link strapped the belt that held his sword and tightened it aroind his chest. He fumbles around his room, looking for his blue ban to put his hair up. Zelda glanced at him, blushing a little, every time she would glance up at him.

Link got on his knees and bent down to check under his bed, his hair going down his face and over his eyes. He blew on his hair to blow it back. Zelda giggled, "do you need help?" Link looked up and nodded.

She went down in her knees with him and helped him look. "So what are we looking for again?" Zelda asked glancing under the bed.

"My blue ban for my hair." He looked at her. She nodded standing up, walking around the room.

"You sure it's not on your bed or something?" She asked, looking at his desk.

Link stood up, tapping his chin and looking over at his bed seeing a small blue ban on the pillow. He laughed nervously, walking over.

"It was." He smiled sheepishly, grabbing it and placing it between his lips to pick up his hair.

Zelda glanced at him bitting her lip nervously. She looked away and fiddled with her clothes.

"Oh and princess?" Link said.

"Yes?" She turned around to face him and without a second thought, found Link holding her in his arms and giving her a kiss in the cheek. (So tempted to make them kiss...) She blushed cherry red, and smiled softly.

"Happy seventeenth birthday, Princess." Link smiled.

Zelda looled up at him and smiled, "Thank you Link." She pulled away from the hug and walked to the door.

"C'mon let's head to Mount Lanayru with the others." She opened the door, walking out with Link following behind her.

They walked down the different halls, maids, gaurds, nobles; were greeting the princess telling her happy birthday and Good luck for today. Zelda thanked them all, until it got to her father. He stood by the main entrance of the castle with his arms cross over his chest and a cold glare facing her. She gulp nervously. Link places a hand on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile.

✔Love triangle (Miphlink, Zelink)Where stories live. Discover now