Chapter ten

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Edited as of April 25, 2021

Link's pov

I stood their with my fist clenched tightly, glaring at the walking King as he opens the doors and left without another word.

I ran to Zelda,  sliding on my knees to hold her tightly. She sobbed in her hands, not letting me see her face.

"Princess. Princess. Zelda!" I tried removing her hands to calm her down. But how could I? The King her FATHER hit her on her face not even acknowledging what he just did. And he just left without even saying anything to her, just telling me to do my job.

I grabbed onto her shoulder with my hand while the other was placed on her cheek. "Zelda please say something. I know he hurt you, but just please look at me!" I begged her. She refused, pushing me away, keeping her hands on her face.

I sighed, not knowing what else I could do to help her. Maybe... I stood up, looking at Mipha and the gaurds. I told the gaurds to fetch me our horses and for Mipha to pack us a lunch. They nodded, leaving to go do the task I assigned them. Leaving me and Zelda in the quiet hall.

All that was heard were her cries throughout the hall. I sighed, kneeling down next to her and embracing her on a tight hug. I felt her body relaxed and return the hug. I smiled softly by her hugging me knowing she was getting better. I stroked her gold hair, shushing her. Everything relaxed, her sobs were quiet and steady. Her breathing was calming down and her heart beat was slow.

She whispered something against my chest, but I didn't really catch it. I hummed, looking down at her. She looked up at me with her green eyes now bloodshot. Tears still trailing down.

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you." I whispered, stroking her hair gently. She took a deep shaky breath, gripping onto my tunic.

"I-I said... th-thank you... My k-knight." She sniffed between words, looking down at her legs.

My cheeks warmed up at the mention of 'My knight'. I shook it off and nodded, lifting her chin up to face me. "Anytime, princess." I said leaning in and placing my lips on her forehead.

She quickly looked away from me, trying to push me away as I saw her ears get red at the tip. I chuckled and placed my hand on her cheek to turn it to me. She kept her gaze to the ground. I smiled at her lifting her chin up once more.

"Come on. I asked one of the gaurds to grab our horses so we can go out for a while." I whispered softly. She looked up, blush still on her cheeks and the tips of her ears as she nodded slowly.

"J-just us?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No. Mipha is going to join us as well." I smiled sweetly. Her face fell a little but her amazing smile returned.

"Okay." She stood up slowly as I did as well, holding her arm for support.

We walked to the main entrance, opened the door and went to the stables. The gaurd had our horses ready but notice one wasn't their. Mine.

"Hey um... this isn't my horse." I said, gently petting the stallions muzzle. The gaurd rubbed the back of his neck and explained.

"When the princess found you, your horse... well it wasn't with you. We tried finding it but, we couldn't. It was gone." I looked down pursing my lips together.

"Oh... o-okay..." I whispered. The gaurds apologized but I just shook my head and he left.

Zelda looked at me, placing her hand in mine. She smiled softly. I returned the smile as much as I could.

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