chapter twenty-five

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I woke up opening my eyes slowly and having the bright light from the sun blur my vision. I rubbed my eyes and sat up closing and opening them to clear the blurry vision.

I sat up straight since I was laying down to feel something or someone on my legs. I look down to see Sidon curled up like a ball laying his head in my thighs and Mipha on the side of my left leg. I smiled softly caressing her cheek before setting Sidon aside gently and getting up.

I stood up stretching my arms over my head. I looked down to see Ruta completely at ease underneath the water. I smiled going down in my knees to wake up Mipha and Sidon.

Shaking her softly my her shoulder, her eyes fluttered open to reveal her brown gold eyes. She sat up slowly and looked at me with a groggy face.

"Is it morning already?" She asked sleepily.

I nodded, "yup. We must've fell asleep out here last night."

"Yeah..." She yawned.

I smiled and started to wake up started but Mipha stopped me and shook her head. "Just leave him. We can take him back to the Domain so he can sleep more." I nodded picking him up so his head is resting in my shoulder.

We head down the mountain and back to the Domain.

I glanced at Mipha who hasn't really said about about yesterday or just today besides asking me about if it's morning and Sidon. I wanted to break the silence but how? What could I say to her without making things awkward?

"So Mipha, how's the Domain doing?"

She shrugged looking forward. "Its doing fine. Little monsters here and there, but okay." She gave me a sweet smile opening the door to Sidon's rooms.

I walked inside to his bed, and layed him down gently on his bed. He smiled in his sleep and started to cuddle with a pillow. I kissed the top of his head. "Sleep well Sidon." I whispered then walked out closing the door behind me to meet with Mipha.

"He really does need sleep. I wish I could sleep that long." I laughed softly.

She giggled and started walking ahead. I kept up a good pace with her while we both walked aroind the Domain.

"How's Zelda doing with the springs? Any luck?" She turned her face to me with a soft smile.

I was hesitate. I didn't really want to bring up Zelda but... I can't just change the subject or shell think somethings up.

"I don't know. She hasn't really been doing to well with them and activating her powers." I avoided eye contact with her the whole time.

"Oh... Wait why didn't you bring her here?" She asked.

I bit my lip nervously, still looking away from her. "Uh... She didn't want to come. So I just came by myself to check on you and the Domain."

I glanced at her and she had a bit if blush on her cheeks. I could feel mine warm up a little.

"But she's been acting different..." I rubbed my arm looking down at the marble floor.

"What do you mean by different?" She looked at me concerned like if I meant it in a bad way.

"Just like... I don't know how to out it but like how she uses to act before I started to get close to her."

"So her mean and bossy self?" Mipha added. I nodded.

"Yup... her old mean, bossy, rude self." I kicked a small rock in way and kept walking.

"Have you told her about how she is acting toward You?" I nodded again.

"Oh... but she doesn't listen?" Mipha questioned.

"No because all she cares about is activating her powers to save her kingdom and she doesn't even consider the fact that I help her that time at the spring if power ahe just pretended like nothing happened after that night and kept being her old self again. She probably doesn't even care if I get hurt right now! After all, I'm just a knight to her anyways nothing more then a knight that doesnt need Zelda!" I ranted on and with my fingered curled into a fist and my mouth clenched together.

Mipha placed her hand on my shoulder softly but I pushed it away. "Link... you do mean something to Zelda. I should know." She whispered softly.

"Oh yeah like what huh? Because I remember being called just a knight and not even a friend to her! And she used to hate me before we became close and everyine knew except me because I wasn't suppose to know and why would I want to know? Well gee, let me think, of course I want to know! Because of me being so dumb I didn't even realize it. I was just doing my job of protecting her and she would push me away, just like she does now."

"Link... No she doesn't! She cares about you Link more than anything on the world! We all know that and you should to. Remember when you got hurt that time when you were coming here?" I nodded crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at her.

"She cared about you Link. She was worried sick that you wouldn't heal on time. She was scared of losing you Link." She placed her hands on my shoulders making my face her.

"We all do."

I glanced down and back at her with complete guilt exposing in my eyes. "... I don't want to be left alone again..." I whispered just loud enough for her to hear. "Your not going to be alone again Link. You have us, that champions, and Zelda. You have all of us Link." She smiled sweetly as I looked up to meet her eyes.

"Thank you, Mipha. I'm glad I have someone like you." I smiled softly pressing my lips against her cold cheek that grew warmer. I looked at her to see her face as red as her skin. I laughed, clenching my stomach at her reaction making her punch my shoulder. And surprisingly it didn't hurt. It felt like a small baby punch.

I laughed more almost falling to the ground. She huffed and started to walk away from me.

"M-mipha!!" I laughed out. Chasing after her.


An: sorry for misspellings, and if this chapter was boring. I wanted to keep the miphlink moments going just for a little bit longer for these chapters well one more until it gets to the real story. So yeah! Hope you enjoyed champions!

Till next time champions! 😄😘

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