chapter twenty-seven

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Zelda walked around Hyrule fields with Link without their horses. They looked at every stop they could as Zelda took pictures of flowers or any animal on the way to Impa's place.

"Link what do you think about this flower? It has a certain glow at night but, not in the mornings. It's always... what's the word..." Zelda tapped her chin in thought as they walked.

"Shading it's self?" Link asked. She shook her head and shrugged it off.

"Nevermind..." She sighed.

"So why did Impa nees us anyways?" Link asked resting his hands behind his head lifting is eyes to glance at her.

"Well she wanted me, but I have no idea why. She never really said." Link nodded.

"Maybe it's about your powers, or maybe the calamity getting free or..." Link kept coming up with different reasons to why Impa would want to see her and it made Zelda giggle.

"What?" He asked unsure if why she was laughing. She shook her head with a smile and kept walking. Only to leave Link with more questions.

He followed close behind as they approached Kakariko Village. They walked through the entrance seeing Impa two gaurds bowing slightly as Zelda walks to the stairs of Impa's house.

"Princess, it's a pleasure to have you here." Cado said.

"Pleasure princess" Dorian said bowed.

"Thank you," she started up the stairs and to the door.

"Um princess Zelda?" Cado said. Zelda looked back at him with a hum in response.

"Lady Impa isn't here right now."

"What? But she wanted me to come here. How could she not be here of she specifically asked me to come."

Cado and Dorian shrugged only making Zelda's problem worse. Impa called her and now she isn't here at all.

"But is she somewhere in Kakariko village right?" She ask.

Cado had his hand on his chin, in deep thought then raised his hand in the air as if he found out.

"She could be up the mountain where the 'fairy fountain' is."

"Or where the Heirloom would be places when given to the rightful hero." Dorian suggested.

"And where would that be?" Up the mountain where that old shrine is to the right by a little small lake that goes down." Cado explained. Zelda nodded, thanking Cado and Dorian as she made her way up the trail with Link following close behind.

"Link can you check over there while I check here for her?" Zelda pointed to the Great Fairy Fountain only making Link groan. She rolled her eyes and gave him that look.

"Fine, I'll go..." he whispered before walking off to the fountain, taking out his sword for defense.

Zelda walked to the right where the Heirloom Pedestal was. She crossed the small bridge to find Impa sitting on the floor. Zelda's body language exchanges from relaxed to stiff. Scared of Impa was hurt by the way she was positioned.

She hurried over sliding behind Impa.

"Impa are you Okay? Are you hurt? What attacked you?" Zelda asked in a hurry as she helped Impa up to her feet.

"I am fine Zelda. Don't worry, I can take care of myself after all." She smirked.

"Right..."Zelda said sheepishly. "But Impa why are you here if you asked me to meet you at your home?"

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