Chapter twenty-eight

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Zelda walked out the door leaving me in the house with the most confused expression written on my face ever. She just... kissed me? For what though! She doesn't even like me like that right? Well, we have almost kissed before but, that was just simple moments we had before... where I actually wanted to kiss her...

I groaned, rubbing my hands over my face and keepimg them just below my eyes. I looked around, getting the memory of Zelda's lips in mine, making my cheeks warm up, and my hands covering my whole face.

"Stop blushing Link toy don't blush!" I muffled in my hands.

I shook it off then got a memory of Mipha's lips on mine. I stood there frozen my the door my hand against the soft wood of the door. Then, it mixed with Zelda's lips and back to Mipha's. 

"I kissed both of them... well Zelda kisses me and I didn't kiss back but stil..." I mumbled. "But dis it mean anything to me? Do I really like both Mipha and Zelda at once?

I shook the thoughts away and opened the door walking down the stairs, seeing Zelda playing with a young girl around the age of five. It made me smile, seeing Zelda with a kid. And that's when I got the idea of her and me having a kid... ugh I need to stop!!

"Hi Link. You ready to head back so we can go to Mount Lanayru tomorrow?" She asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ready. Let's go!" I smiled. She nodded and started walking to the entrance of the village. I followed close behind her, keeping a good pace.

She had a smile across her face and her arms swinging at her side as if she was happy. But, more than happy. I wanted to ask her about the kiss but how would I start it? I mean I never really told her about mine and Mipha's, and I'm not for now. But I have to say something about OUR kiss.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out just little squeaks that made her look back at me with a giggle escaping her lips. My eyes started down to her lips just urging me to kiss her. And I was tempted but... I couldn't do that to her. Even if she did it to me, bit that's not the point, I have to stop thinking about kissing Zelda.

"So Link," Zelda began, "should we meet the guardians at the entrance if Mount Lanayru? Or meet them when we come back down?"

I hummed, looking into her blue eyes. "W-we could meet them at the entrance before we go up." I stuttered. She nodded looking forward again.

"Also, when we get back remind me to pack warm clothing please."

"Do you even have one?" I asked. She stopped and turned on her heel to face me with a worried look, that made me concered.

"Oh my GODDESS! I dont have one I need to buy one at Rito Village! C'mon!" She exclaimed, grabbing my arm and running to Rito Village. But the opposite way.

"Uh, princess?" I said.

"Yes?" She looked over her shoulder and kept running.

"Rito is that way." I pointed behind me to a large rock in the distance. She smiled sheepishly and started running the way I pointed.


We got the Rito village panting as we walk up the stairs and to the different shops.

Zelda quickly made her way up the top to the clothing shop, looking for a suit that would keep her warm. I leaned back against a wooden pole watching her pick out an outfit.

She showed me varies of one's. Pick one that had shoulder pads, a blue one with white feathers going down the shoulder blade, etcetera. And none of them really went with her style. Then there was one. One suit that fit my princess.

She held the outfit that was hanging on  the rack and brought it to her, holding it just below her neck.

"How's this one? It's suppose to jeep me warm through the whole trip up the mountain and wouldn't get me cold. Also I can wear my dress under it." She smiled.

I looked at her in awe and felt my cheeks get red, knowing I was staring at her like I just got my sword cleaned. I shook my head and smiled at her.

"Its perfect!"

The winter coat had fluff on her neck to cover it from the cold, with gold stitching  and a brown belt around her waist with dark brown tights, and knee high ligjt brown snow boots with a white fluff on the top including with her sleeves. (Didn't really know how to describe it sorry! And I'm looking at a picture if it)

She smiled, moving the winter outfit, placing it over her forearm and walking over to the counter.

"I would like to buy this please!" She smiled.

"Okay princess." The Rito women said. "£1,700 rupees please." She held out her hand for Zelda to hand her the rupees. (I feel like that was cheaper than what we really got it for in the game)

Zelda got out a small satchel and dropped it in the Ritos feathered hand.

"Thank you! Here you go princess." She handed the Zelda a small stitched white bag with an ancient picture of a Rito on it.

"Thank you!," she walked to me with a wide smile on her lips. "Okay let's get back home, Link and get ready for tomorrow!" She said happily, walking out of the shop.

I followed behind her, "princess?" A voice asked from behind. We both turned around to see Revali standing eith his arms crossed.

"Yes, Revali? Do you need something?" Zelda asked.

"Yeah I do actually." Revali narrowed his eyes at me and jump down from the wooden stair rail and walking to me.

"For Link to back off of Mipha!" Revali said in an angry tone, pointed his feathered finger on my chest.

"What!?" Me and Zelda said in unison.

An: Ooooooooooo, what dies Revali know! What does he want? Why does he want Link to back off of Mipha!?? Why I ask! Whyyy!?!??!

Well I know why because.................






And yeah that why he wants Link to back off Mipha!

I'm not telling you that would ruin it, and I don't want to do that now do I? No. Anyways!!! Sorry if I had misspells. Hope you enjoyed this zeldlink chapter of course and Links thoughts going haywire!

Till next time champions!😄😘

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