Chapter seven

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Edited as of April 24, 2021

Mipha's pov

It's been five days since Link and Zelda came by to speak to my father about the issues in Zora's Domain as well as that moment that kept haunting me, due to my father's words. Since their departure, I couldn't help but worry for Link.

I covered my face with my hands, a small groan escaping my lips as I felt a small tug at my champion garment. I looked down to see that Sidon was next to me, his big golden eyes looking at me with concern.

"What is it Sidon?" I asked, smiling happily at my little brother. He fiddled with his fingers. I chuckled lightly and picked him up, setting him on my lap.

"You want Link here don't you?" I asked him raising an eyebrow. He blushed and looked down.

"Oh my little brother~ he'll be back soon. So don't you worry." He nodded. I kissed his cheeks and hugged him tightly making hin giggle and hold me back. I knew my brother adored Link like a big brother, and it made me so happy to see him almost just as worried as I was. Well, more like in need of seeing him again.

Within a few slow hours, the sun started to set on Zora Domain as I walked to my chambers, Sidon already skipping away in front of me.

I was about to walk up the stairs that lead to my chambers when I looked out to the brigde, seeing a familiar face walk toward the Zora guards. Oh goddess!

Link waved at me, smiling sweetly and I returned the wave with a nervous smile. Goddess I probably look like an idiot zora smiling like this. I thought as he drew closer with my brother now at his side, holding his hand.

"Hey, Mipha." He greeted.

"H-hello Link!" I smiled happily, fiddling with my garment.

"Sorry I haven't came by to check on the Zora's as I'm suppose to. Me and Zelda have been busy with visiting the other Champions, making sure everything is okay." He said with a smile that just made my heart skip a beat.

"Oh, it's alright Link. Your duty comes first." I smiled sweetly. He nodded, fixing his blue gaurd hat.

"W-when did you get this?" I pointed out his suit and he looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh this? A couple of days back for a ceremony the princess's father was having. The only formal wear I had was the Champions tunic. So the princess offered to make me a Royal Gaurd outfit to wear for the event."

"Oh! Well, it looks nice on you, Link." 

Zelda offered to make Link this suit? I suppose it was for formal reason, so there is nothing wrong with that but why is he still wearing it?

All these negative thoughts kept coming through my hand and I shook myself out of it trying not look into to much detail about it. It was just an outfit for a ceremony. Nothing more. 

I moved to the side, offering Link a way to pass so that we can walk to my chambers and chat a bit more. He nodded walking past me before I picked up my pace and follow beside him.

Link and I engaged small talk on our way to my chambers, he told me about his visits to the other Champions which always peaked my interest. Once we got to the doors of my room, I pushed them inward revealing a small Zora on my bed waiting patiently.

"LINK!" Sidon exclaimed happily jumping up from the bed as he ran toward Link almost tripping on his tail.

He laughed and pick up the little zora. "Hey, Sidon. How are you?" Link asked smiling.

✔Love triangle (Miphlink, Zelink)Where stories live. Discover now