chapter thirty-three

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The yellow light was making me leave the Divine Beast, but also Mipha. The way she looked at me, her eyes were filled with pain but joy? I had to save her but I couldn't.

I saw the Waterblight swing his blade behind him and to Mipha. Before I could even see, my eyes widened. Knowing what was going to happen to Mipha.

"MIPHA!!" I yelled and the light took me out of the beast, teleporting me out and to where I was before.

I was sitting on the grass tears falling down my cheeks, the Slate on my belt but no Mipha. I heard muffled cries calling me out but I didn't listen. I stood there my hands open on the floor. With no Mipha next to me and okay. I screamed and screamed, tears roaring out and falling down on my hands.

'I lost her! I lost her to the blight!'

"I LOST MIPHA!" I screamed almost desperately. Sobbing at the thought of her being gone because of me.

My hands covered my face as I cried and cried for her to come back. I felt something warm holding me tightly. I removed my hands, seeing long gold hair and a white dress going down.

It was Zelda.

She held me tightly, her arms wrapped around my neck. She had her face on the bridge of her arms as she kept holding me like her life depended on it.

I wrapped my arms around her, nudging my nose in her hair. I continued to cry, feeling the warmth and comfort Zelda was giving me. I started to relax but, I was still sobbing over Mipha. Zelda tried asking me what happened but I couldn't say. I knew it would hurt her to find out that Mipha was gone.

I started to sniff, and wipe my tears away from my cheek. I let go of Zelda, looking down at my hands.

"Are you okay Link?" She asked worriedly.

I looked at her, helpless and devastated. She brought her hand to my cheek and caressed it softly. I leaned in against her touch, kissing the palm of her hand.

"Thank you." I whispered, looking up at her. Zelda's cheeks had a little bit of red on them and it made me smile. I leaned in closer to her, gently pressing my lips against hers.

I smiled softly, my cheeks getting warm.  I pulled away and gazed into her eyes as hers met mine.

"Thank you... again."

Zelda nodded slowly looking down at her hands. I stood up reaching my hand out to her.

"Let's go help Urbosa with Naboris."

She took my hand nodding in agreement.

"Let's go."

An: I know it's short, i guess you could say this episode was a short?! 😏😏 no? Okay I'll stop.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I did! And now I feel bad for Link buuut also for Mipha. Mipha because she probably say Link and Zelda you know, kiss and she's probably gone. Link because, well he lost Mipha and that sucks!! Buuut, that's how the story is so that sucks for both of them. Man... Nintendo your mean to main characters!!!


Till next time champions! 😄😘

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