Chapter two

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Edited as of April 17, 2021 -Aug 26, 2021

Third pov

Mipha awaited for the princess by the entrance of Zora Domain with her younger brother, and two gaurd by the entrance. She had her confident smile gracing her lips while still fidgeting with her garment. She sighed and looked forward to the large bridge of the domain, trying to get a view to see of Zelda and Link had arrived yet. Mipha frowned, and started to walk back to her father's chambers until she heard a scream. "Huh?" She turned around to see Zelda holding Link in her arms bleeding from his chest. Mipha signaled the zora gaurds to rush over to Zelda as quickly as possible.

"Princess Zelda, what happened?" The male zora gaurd asked while the other zora gaurd took Link in her arms, holding him bridal style.

"Momsters, a mob of them attacked us. Link told me to run but I could leave him there. I ran to him instead and a shock arrow was heading toward me, but Link got in the way and got shot by the arrow." She sobbed feeling guilty for Link's wound.

Mipha quickly told the gaurd to take Link to the infirmary before he bled to death. The gaurds nodded, obeying her orders and rushed to the infirmary with Link. Mipha comforted Zelda, and tried to calm her down as her brother did with her earlier.

"It's okay your majesty. It wasn't your fault, you didn't mean for this to happen. There is no need to blame yourself for this mistake." She whispered soothingly to Zelda. She started to calm down but kept blaming herself for her actions and had her hands over her face while they walked togehter to the infirmary. They both entered in to the unconscious Link laying on the infirmary bed.

"Mipha, do you think you can heal him?" Zelda looked at Mipha with pleading eyes. She thought for a moment and then nodded. "I am certain I can." She walked over to Link, placing her cold fin on his chest. She took deep breaths and began to heal his wound. Zelda watched in awe, but worry clouded her mind. She didn't care too much about Link, but he did save her multiple times and was always there for her, but this time was different. Zelda was worried, hurting, and disappointed with herself for what she brought upon Link.

Mipha on the other hand, couldn't even concentrate with all the thoughts running through her mind about Link. She was scared, nervous, worried, sad, and hurting for her lover. She exams Link up and down to see if he had any other wounds over his body but no trace. Just the impact from the arrow was his only wound on his chest. She removed her fin from his body and looked at Zelda.

"He should be all healed." She smiled softly.

Zelda's eyes lit up with joy and a soft smile graced her lips. "Thank you so much, Mipha. I couldn't thank you enough." Mipha smiled as Zelda kept thanking her.

"I would always help those in need and heal their wounds. No matter how big or small." Zelda nodded and turned her gaze toward Link.

"Your so reckless Link." Zelda clenched her fist that was resting on her thighs. "Just so..." She sighed and walked passed Mipha. "I'm going to speak with your father. Will you watch Link for me? I'll tell you what we discussed when I come back." Mipha was hesitant but then nodded to her offer. Zelda smiled sadly, glanced at Link and left.

Mipha was left alone with the unconscious Link. She sat down on a stool next to him staring at his limp body. She saw all the scars from monsters he may have encountered during his travels with the princess. She trailed her fin over his chest gently, her cold fin felt the warmth of his skin. She smiled softly at him. "I promise I'll always heal your wounds Link. Just like I did when you were a child. I'll always heal you, no matter what." She was going to plant a kiss on his forehead when his eyes fluttered open. She tensed up, blushing like a tomato as it mixed with her red print skin.

Link opened his eyes fully and looked around, unaware of his surroundings. He looked at the flustered Mipha, confused on why she was there with him. His eyes then widen realizing about the princess. He sprung up quickly, hurting himself in the process. He hissed in pain as he held the core of his stomach.

Mipha panic and held Link by the shoulders to calm him down. "Link, you must not make very harsh movements. Or you'll injure yourself more." She told him and he looked into her gold eyes. Mipha felt her cheeks get warmer as they both gazed at each other. He removed his gaze off of her and looked around once more. He had a confused expression as he explores the room with his eyes. Mipha giggled slightly and Link turned to her.

"Sorry." She apologized. He shook his head, removed the covers and sat on the edge of the bed. He gave her a smile and she blushed even harder.  He stood up, trying to catch his balance but instead, fell right back onto the infirmary bed. Mipha told him not to get up yet because he was still healing and he looked at her confused.

"M-mipha? What happened to me?" He whispered. Mipha has never heard Link speak before, she would only see him nod, shake his head or shrug. But never talk. She hesitated for a moment then got her posture straight up and firm.

"On your way here, you and Zelda encounter a mob of Bokoblins and Lizalfos. They had shock arrows and you told the princess to run here but she refused. Then, an Electric Lizalfos shot an arrow that you took for the princess. You got injured, so she brought you into here quickly and then I healed your wound." He looked down to his scared chest and back up to Mipha with a sweet smile.

"Thank you, Mipha. For helping me, well, healing me." He chuckled. She shook her head with a small smile.

"No need to thank me. You should thank the princess for taking you here to be healed. She seems to care just as much as I do when you get a wound or if you get badly injured." He nodded.

Link tried getting up again and Mipha assured him. She had her fin on his left arm and Link was holding the edge of the bed with his other hand to keep his balance. He stood up straight and had his balance in check as he began to walk around the small room.

Mipha watch the blond hero in awe. 'How is he able to feel so energized and ready to go when he just got shot by a shock arrow?' She wondered to herself over and over again about how he's healing so quickly even with her help. Link looked her way and noticed she was deep in thought. He walked over to her and snapped his fingers to get her out. Mipha startled by his action, jumped a little and looked at him with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, again." She fidgeted with her garment once again and he smiled.

"Its okay. You just seemed so lost in thought." He whispered.

She felt so embarrassed to have been seen like this. "W-well, I believe Zelda would like to know that you are awake." Link nodded, grabbing his clothes and changing into his shirt. He whinced in pain as he lifted his arm to put his blue champion tunic on. Mipha helped him change into his tunic, while Link changed into the rest of his outfit. She was still concerned about his healing state so she told him to be very cautious, he nodded in understanding and began to walk to the throne room.

They both headed up the many amounts of stairs to see, Zelda talking to King Dorephan about the problems they have encountered in Zora domain. Link and Mipha both walked inside the throne room. King Dorephan spotted his small daughter and little hylian and cleared his throat to get Zelda's attention. She looked up at him in confusion as he pointed his big fin to Mipha and Link. She turned around slowly and saw the now standing hylian.

"LINK!" Zelda exclaimed.

Oh was Link going to get an ear full.

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