chapter thirty-eight

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Revali, Link and Zelda all arrived at Impa's safe village as they prepare to face the calamity and the guardians aroind the castle. Link and Zelda have been ignoring each other still throughout their trip back to Impa. Only leaving Revali, clueless about what happened to them.

Zelda walked up to Impa house with Pink and Revali following behind. She opened the small door walking inside and seeing Impa on her usual small pillow drinking tea. They walked up to her and bowed slightly. Impa looked up with a soft smile.

"Its good to see that you survived Revali." Impa said softly. Revali titled his head bit shrugged and smiled at Impa.

"Thanks I guess... But why would it be good? What happened to the others since Link didn't want to tell me." He glared at Links direction and Link just looked back at him blank.

Impa looked at Revali and shook her head before standing to her feet and walking to him. She placed her hands on his shoulders looking up into his green emerald eyes. He turned his gaze down at her and looked at her red eyes. 

"Revali, I'm sorry to say this but all the champions are dead." Impa said with her eyes now looking down and her eyes closed as her hands fold together. Revali looked at Impa with shock and disbelief. The champions are dead and he was the only one alive, aside from Link; they all died. 

"H-How? What did they go against that was to strong even for the champions to handle? Impa what happened to them?" Reavli begged and begged. Beginning to become helpless for a answer. She shook her head and turned to Link with a sad expression on her face and filling her eyes. 

"Link, Link could tell you the story." Revali turned toward Link's direction and quickly going over to him almost towering over Link. He grabbed a hold on his shoulders and looked at Link desperately. Link didn't know what to do. He still felt dreadful about what happened to the other champions. Revali became angered, impatient for not receiving an answer from any of them. He looked around at Impa and Zelda none of them were looking at them; both were either looking away for down at their feet mournful. Revali gritted his beak and looked back at Link with anger. 

"Link tell me what the goddess happened to them! To Mipha! What happened to her!? Did you let her die? what did you do Link!?" Revali shouted at Link gripping onto the collar of his shirt and pulling him up from the ground, Link's feet no longer on the ground. Revali's eyes were filled with anger while Link's were filled with horror as he looked at Revali. Those words of Mipha and dying hit Link like a arrow. Zelda and Impa ran toward Revali and demanded him to put Link down but he refused and ignored them shoving them away from him. 

"What did you do Link?" Revali shouted once more. 

"I-I didn't do anything Revali!" Link mumbled softly. 

"I don't want to hear your Goddess Crap, Link! What happened--"

"Revali enough!" His and Link's attention turned to Zelda. She stood there with her hands in a fist and her eyes filled with anger. She stomped toward Revali and got in front of him. 

"Put him down Revali, Now!" She demanded. Revali growled letting go of Link's collar making him fall to his back. Link nearly lost his breath once he landed back first. Impa went to Link's side and helped him up. Zelda glared at Revali as he bluntly stared back at her with his feather arms crossed over his chest. 

"Oh, look now you care about him. What happened to that earlier, hm?" Revali raised and eyebrow in amusement. Zelda growled, "Thats none of your business Revali--"

"oh like how not knowing what happened to Mipha and the others is my business? Because it is. And I have the right to know after all, Princess." He spat. 

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