Chapter thirteen

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Edited as of April 30, 2021

No one's pov

Link and the princesses arrived at Hyrule castle just before the sun went down. Their horses walked through Hyrule town going to the main entrance of the castle. The town was decorated in blue, gold streamers and long banners hanging from one house to another.  The people were dressed in their normal everyday outfits. Citizens were greeting the princess with smiles, flowers and treats as they rode through the town.

Zelda greeted everyone with a warm smile taking the gifts as the children giggled, and parents smiled. Link looked at the princess smiling softly. Mipha got shy since she wasn't really used to meeting other hylian besides the King, Zelda, and Link. But the children gave her flowers, and treats smiling sweetly. Mipha blinked in surprise but then smiled softly thanking them.

After greeting and getting gifts, they rode through the crowd of people to get to the castle gates.

Zelda looked at the gate and started to shake a little in fear of coming face to face with her father after that incident. Link glanced at her and saw how her grip was tight on the reins of her horse. He moved closer to her and placed his hand on her's giving a reassuring smile as did Mipha. Zelda looked at them gratefully and smiled thanking them.

The door of the gates opened revealing King Rhoam and his guards.

Links pov

I could see Zelda gulp at the sight of her father as she looked down at the reins while her horse slowly walked up toward them. My horse and hers were aligned as they walked up to the King with his face not showing any signs of joy just blank and serious as always.

We got off our horses, I helped Mipha off the horse, setting her down gently on her feet. The gaurds took mine and Zelda's horses back to the stables and we walked up to the King. I was about to pay my unneeded respect to the King and get down on my knee but he called out my name before I could even get down.

"Link," he spoke firmly, looking at me. I tensed up and nodded to show I was listening. "Did you find that monster I required you to kill?" He asked. I shook my head and before I could explain he walked away. Taken back by the amount of words he said I just let him be, seeing Zelda sigh in relief.

"Thank the goddess..." She mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

The gaurds opened the castle doors and all you could see surrounding the main room were Zora, Goron, Gerudo, Rito, and hylian rushing around the castle carrying supplies and decorations. Mipha's amazement was written all over her face, scaning all around the rooms and halls to see decorations from all five parties being hung on the walls.

Zelda walked forward making me follow behind and leaving Mipha amazed at the sight with a wide grin, joining with her own.

"Your highness?" One of the hylian maids asked.

"Yes?" She answered with a smile.

I didn't bother to listen so I just walked off before I got scolded and looked around the castle to see all the decorations put up by the people of Hyrule.

"Whoa!" I saw the Zora bringing in a statue of the champions and I. Grinning from ear to ear giving into my temptations, I ran over to gaze at the amazing statue like a child who just say a Divine Beast come in the castle now or gazing upon a Legendary Fairy from Fairy Fountain.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Mipha's small voice came behind me making me turn around and nod rapidly like a child. She giggled and walked next to me gazing at the statue.

"The Zora have been working on this piece ever since the King announced there was going to be an event." She smiled. "I'm so overjoyed to see how their work of art was finished and brought here, given the short amount of time. I'm proud of my people." I looked down at her and see looked at me.

A tint of blush stained her cheeks as she looked back down playing with her garment.

"Its cute when you play with your garment like that." I said not fully realizing it.

She blushed fiercely and looked away from me shaking her head.

"I-I don't think so... i-its just something I do when I get-" "shy?" I interrupted and she nodded. I chuckled lightly, "It's okay. I love your shyness. And how amazingly nice you are, how you can heal people without a single thought. And how your caring, sweet, and always put others before you." I said, smiling. She gazed at me the once light shade of ounk turning into a darker shade of red.

"Th-thank you... L-Link." She stuttered. I smiled and nodded.

"Your welcome, Mipha." I said, grabbing her hand and lifting it up to my lips to gently place a small kiss on the top of her hand like fin. She blushed deeply, avoiding eye contact and nodding slowly.

I smiled and walked off waving to the blushing Zora Princess to check on the daily festivities. Leaving a red faced Mipha keeping her hand out in the same position I had grabbed it. It was sort of odd but in all honesty, it was really adorable.


Updated AN: I question why I wrote 'King Hyrule' and not 'King Rhoam' in the beginning while writing this. It was given to us in Breath of the wild. What was wrong with me? Smh

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