chapter fourty-two

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"Zelda!? Zelda!!" I yelled. My heart stopped imediently when I saw Zelda laying on the floor lifeless and pale  I dragged my feet to kneel down next to her. I left her head up with my arms and held her body close to me.

"Zelda wake up... please wake up..." I cried.

"Link..." Revali mumbled.

"Zelda please!!," I yelled with every feeling I had inside "Please you can't leave me Zelda. Not yet... please..." I mumbled, tears trailing down my cheeks as they land in her own.

I can't lose her yet not like this! Not how we ended up. I can't... I need her with me. She was the only one that made me, the real me cone out. When no one else was able to get that side of me out but she did. I don't want to lose her... I... I love her...

"Zelda... no, no." I cried one last time before breaking down into tears, bring her lifeless body closer to me.

Revali stood there with his head hung low, and his wings crossed. I cried, begging for Zelda to just wake up right now and tell her everything I never got to say before.

I heard footsteps coming our way. I stopped looking up quickly with my sword in hand. I relaxed when I saw two men coming in Sheikah clothing.

"Link, Revali, are you two are alright?" One man asked.

"Yes. But..." I trailed off looking down at Zelda. They both approached me, kneeling down beside us. "Is there anyway we can help her before she's actually gone?" I asked desperately. They gave each other a look before looking back at me.

"There is one way. But we would have to hurry." I nodded, handing Zelda to the Sheikah.

"Don't worry Knight, we will protect her and make sure she arrives safely. I smiled, thanking them for their generosity. I looked at Zelda one more time whispering something in her ear and kissing her forehead.

I watched as they took Zelda away to the Shrine of Resurrection. I sighed eith my head hung low. "Hey, we can do this Link. We may not have Zelda but we have each other as weird as that sounds." He chuckled. I'm guessing trying to lighten the mood. But he was right. We can do this with or without Zelda it just matters that she will be safe now.

"Right. Let's go to Hyrule Castle and take on the calamity." I grinned. He hummed in agreement.


We got to Hyrule Castle Town and everything was destroyed. The only things left where the remains of broken/burned building, and Guardian stalkers.

We sneaked through on of the openings near the castle wall. Revali couldn't fly up to see what else there was since the guardians are surrounding the area.

"Link there's no other way we can get out. The wall gets cut off just at a wall." Revali informed. I nodded, climbing up the latter. "Where are you going Link?"


"Up? Why up?" He questioned. Confusion spilling through his words.

"So we can get across this faster and jump at the nearest hill to get to the castle faster." I explained. I walked behind a decaying gaurdain that sat at the edge of the wall.

"Okay? But how are we going to get across that river, Link?" Revali asked. I looked over my shoulder, "swim."

"Swim? Link, I can't swim!" Revali cried.

I chuckled, climbing the hill that reached the end of the wall. "Well then, today is going to be the day you learn how to, Revali." I grinned, jumping down the hill. Revali kind of floated down with his wings.

✔Love triangle (Miphlink, Zelink)Where stories live. Discover now