Chapter fifteen

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Edited as of May 4, 2021

Link pov

Day of the Event

I had my new champion tunic on, since the old one had a hole in it, my hair pulled into its usual ponytail, my beige trousers and brown boots then exited my room and walked through the long halls of the castle so I could make it to the Main Hall.

Zelda was rushing around the halls making sure everything was ready and perfect to her liking and her father's most importantly. If I were her I would have thought everything looked perfect. I guess royalty has a different way of looking at things.

"Morning, princess." I smiled walking to her. She quickly gave me a smile and went back to checking on the events preparations. I sighed shaking my head with a smile as reached out and grabbed her shoulder turning her around so she could face me. "Zelda, this event looks great as it is. You should stop and enjoy instead of looking through every little detail." I reassured. She took a deep breath and smiled, nodding her head

"I know Link but I just want this day to be amazing for you and the champions."

I smiled softly bringing her into a small hug. "It already is." I could feel her body tense up a little but once her arms wrapped around me I know I had gotten through to her.

"Okay!" She said. Her voice ringing with excitement.


All the champions people came to the event in their best clothes and had wide smiles and grins planted on their faces. The Goron came in with rock appetizers that others might not even eat but glad they brought something, Gerudo brought fruit from their desert, the Zora brought cooked fish and even fresh ones from the stream near their Domain and the Rito brought well, everything they could besides the rocks from the Goron.

Revali, Daruk, Urbosa and Mipha all came in after each other. Daruk and Revali came up to me grinning from ear to ear. I smirked and walked to them as well.

"So little guy, you ready to lose?" Daruk asked pounding his fist together smiling.

"I think I'm the one that will be wining this competition." I brag having my hands on my hips.

"Please, I have better skills then the both of you combined. I will obviously win today's little tournament." Revali protested. Daruk and I looked at him with smirks. "Just you wait, Revali! I'm gonna beat the living feathers out of you with my master sword."

"Or with my Boulder- "

"Yeah-yeah, no need for the useless details. Just carry on and begin the tournament, that I will be winning." Revali said rolling his eyes.

"Lets just get going before the event gets more... busy." Revali said already walking to the entrance of the hall. We followed behind the border brain and out to the main doors of the hall that lead outside, but before I could go any further I felt a small hand grab my wrist tightly. I looked over ny shoulder to see the princess glaring at my sternly her grip becoming more tight. For a small princess she sure had a grip.

"Where do you think your going?" She asked. I looked at Daruk and Revali in hopes they would save me but they both just laughed behind the door and gave me a thumbs up for good luck as they closed the door shut. I sighed, hanging my head low and trying to think of a lie.

"I was going to find... a present!" She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "A present?" I nodded and started stepping back. "Yup, a present for the champions." My voiced cracked at the lie but surprisingly she bought it. "Alright. But be back before the event gets more busy. " I nodded and ran out the door to Daruk and Revali as they waited for me by the platform outside of the castle. 

"So what did you tell the princess?" Revali asked intrigued. "Where I was going. But i just lied telling her that I was getting presents for the champions." I shrugged and walked into the middle of the platform.

"And she believed that you, Link, would get presents?" He laughed hysterically and I glared.

"Hey I would do that okay!" I exclaimed a bit flustered from embarrassment.

"Come on guys, quit the chit- chat and let's get this tournament started!" Daruk exclaimed happily as he pumped his fist together.

"Indeed." Revali agreed pulling out his bow as Daruk got his Boulder breaker as I held onto my master sword ready to start off this tournament. 


We stood in a circle around the platform  as we glanced at each other. Revali took off into the air and shot down his arrows with his Great Eagles Bow and shot at me and Daruk at once. Daruk block the shot with his Boulder breaker and jumped up to Revali as he kept his shots toward me. I deflected the arrow back at him with my sword and lunged up to him. Me and Daruk were both jumping to him as Daruk held his breaker and slammed Revali back on the ground with a loud 'thud'. I lunged down hitting Daruk with the handle of my sword doing no damage on him due to his rocky exterior. He glanced at me and smirked. Turning around unexpectedly he grabbed me by my face tossing me up and hit me with his Breaker sending me flying to a pillar.

I grunted spitting out a bit of blood. "Sorry little guy," he came walking to me with a sorry smile. "Here-" I cut him off by hitting him with my sword and making him graze the floor, feet still not off the ground.

"Don't go easy remember? This is a tournament about about skill." I smirked. He chuckled, turning his smile into a evil grin. I tensed up as did Revali as he stood up. He lunged toward me, grabbing my arm and spinning my around sending me flying to Revali as we crashed into on another.

Revali pushed me off him, stood up quickly and flew up notching arrows at us. Daruk and I dodged each arrow that was launched at us. I grabbed an arrow before it could hit my shoulder and tossed it to the ground, sending a ray of light from my sword to Revali hitting his side and making him wounded. He gripped on to his side and looked at me before notching an arrow at me. It flow passed me barely missing, giving my cheek a scratch.

He smirked and notched a bomb arrow at Daruk. But before he could Daruk jumped up, grabbed his legs and brought him down to the ground and slammed his Boulder breaker on top of him making his champion garment tear. I jumped behind Daruk and slashed his back. He turned around meeting his Boulder breaker with my sword. 

We stood there in that stance, our weapons clashed together. I pulled all my weight down making him lose balance and fall on his back on top of Revali. I hung my sword on top of him just below his neck.

"Looks like I win." I breath heavily keeping my sword in that position. "Looks like my weapon and me win this little tournament." I said removing my sword from his neck. Daruk chuckled heartily panting heavily as well.

"You sure did little guy." He said happily.

"Cwan yo gewt oaf mmm..." Revali muffled underneath Daruk. He stood up, chuckling and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, Revali." He said sheepishly. Revali stood up brushing himself off, crossed his arms and looked away. "Guess your weapon and you, are... somewhat the best..." He mumbled annoyed.

I put my sword back in its sheath and crossed my arms. "You don't have to sound rude Revali just because you lost."

"Rude? Link, I am not rude. That's just how I talk that's all." He said bluntly. I rolled my eyes.


"Well, why don't we go back inside, clean up, eat and enjoy the rest of the event dedicated to us." I nodded, Revali shrugged and walked off. Me and Daruk followed behind him talking amongst ourselves.


We opened the castle door laughing, talking about the fight and walked inside the Castle. Revali joined in the laughter but immediately, we all stopped to see a blond princess with her arms crossed and a sterned face. We laughed nervously, rubbing the back of our necks and ready to embrace her lecture.

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