Chapter nine

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Edited as of April 25, 2021

Mild warning of abuse

Link pov

I looked around the white room confused of where I was and saw Zelda and Mipha standing by my bed side, smiling happily at me. I titled my head but smiled back.

"He-" I was cut off by Zelda's fast embrace. She held onto me to tightly, that I could barely breath. "P-Princess... I... can't..."her eyes widen and let go of me apologizing almost a hundred times. I chuckled and shook my head. Mipha looked at me happily and relieved, her hands were intertwined with her own as they were held by her chest.

"Link. Your okay!" She said softly. I nodded and asked my question once more. "Where am I?" They looked at each other, smiles fading.

"In the infirmary." Zelda's words cracking. I looked down at my hands and sighed clenching them tightly.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered softly, tears starting to form in my eyes. I tried to fight them back as much as I could before they escape their prison.

"For What? You have nothing to be sorry for." Zelda comforted me.

"Zelda's right. You don't have to be sorry for anything, Link."Mipha said with a soft smile.

I looked up at them and smile softly, wiping the tears in my eyes. Nodding,  I give them a wide grin.

I remove the bed sheets and stand up stretching. Mipha and Zelda quickly placed me down back on the bed.  I gave them a deadpanned expression and they just smiled sweetly.

"Why can't I get up?" I asked.

"Because you still need to rest!" Zelda scolded me with her hands in her hips.

"Mhm. I may have healed your wounds but you need to rest!" Mipha said calmly. I sighed in defeat and covered my legs with the white sheets.

They both smiled at each other while I just glared with my arms crossed over my chest. They giggled at me cooing on how childish I look.

"What?" I whined. They looked at each other and started to laugh more. I pouted, knowing they'll keep laughing at me. I stood up from the bed causing them to stop and place me back down. But this time, I was ready!

Before they could place me down, I ducked under their arms and managed to get on the other side of them. I smirked as they both turned around and pouted.

"Hey! We said you need to rest!" Zelda argued.

"Well I say I'm fine! I dont need to rest anymore guys. So if you don't mind." I grabbed my tunic, and boots quickly heading out of the infirmary to my room.

Zelda growled and came after me, Mipha following behind.

I ran to my room, locking the door and quickly changing into my champion tunic and boots. I looked down at my tunic to see a burnt hole right in the middle where my chest was. I hummed, checking the burnt clothing.

"Was this were I got hit?" I placed my hand in the middle, as it went through the burnt hole. "Hmm..." I sighed walking to the door to open it, seeing Mipha and Zelda about to knock but instead I caused them to fall to the ground.

"Ow." Both said in  unison. I laughed helping both of them up.

"You guys okay?" I asked laughing after each word. Both gave me a glare as they brushed themself off. I smiled sweetly before stepping aside and walking through the hallways.

Zelda and Mipha caught up to me standing by my right and left.

The three of us walked to the main room and saw King Rhoam standing by the main entrance. He turned around, looking at us with no expression. I could feel Zelda getting a bit angry and Mipha just getting more shy. I glanced back to him and nodded slightly, before getting on one knee before him. I could feel Mipha and Zelda's stares glance at me as the king walked to us.

"Link, get up. I don't want you bowing before me now." His voice harsh. Making chills run down my spin. I stood up with no expression planted on my face as he looked at me serious.

"Link," he began. "I want to know what attacked you." I looked at me confused for a second but nodded.

"Well, I don't know how to explain it but, It was a Guardian Stalker." His face grew with utter most shock. "A what?" He asked eagerly.

"A guardian stalker, your majesty." His expression fell into a cold look. He placed a fingers in his bearded chin, tapping it as he thought.

"Are you sure a guardian attacked you? Because the guardians was have in my  kingdom, don't go around attacking people." He stated.

"I assure you the attack was by a guardian and nothing else. A man, no monster, of some sorts, walked up to a Decaying guardian and made it come... alive." I said, looking at the king.

"How did this monster or man, make a decaying guardian come back to life. No guardian in Hyrule has been decayed. All the ones we have are stable and in care not decaying and attacking people. And if this so called monster is making decaying guardians come back, I want you to put an end to him." His words were cold and harsh hitting me like an ice cold blade. I nodded accepting the terms given to me and started walking off.

But before I could I felt a hand grab my wrist. 

"Link, stop. Father, Link shouldn't have to deal with this guardian if he is still recovering from the last time they met. He should be resting instead of fighting a monster that we have no information about. This monster your sending Link to could have abilities beyond our control. I won't let you send Link to attack this monster. I-I... forbid it!" She exclaimed, gripping onto my wrist.

"You what?" He asked sharply. I could see the fear in her as she continued.

"I forbid you on making Link take a task he is unprepared for! That we are unaware of!" The King walked up to me and Zelda. Grabbing her free hand, pulling her away from me. He held onto her wrist tightly, as I heard her whimpered.

"You don't tell me what to do and what I can't do! I am the king, you are not! Your just a mistake for a princess someone that doesnt even deserve to rule over Hyrule after I pass. Your a disgrace to the royal family!" He yelled as his hand made contact with her face.

Everything went silent and the only thing heard was the touch of skin against skin.

Mipha stared in fear at the scene, shaking. Gaurds stood at their place, exchanging glances to each other. My eyes grew wide seeing Zelda fall to her knees, holding her cheek. I looked at the King with anger as he looked at me.

"You will go after that monster and put an end to him before he destroys Hyrule." He said with venom in each word before walking away.

I growled, clenching my fist tight looking at Zelda's shaking figure.

"Your the monster..." I whispered to myself, glaring at the King as he walks away.

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