chapter twenty-two

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An: picture kind of sums up this chapter.


Zelda and I were getting closer to Akkala tower region.

"So knight how much longer do you think it will take?" Zelda asked her tone sounding like she was the most popular princess in Hyrule.

"No much longer..." I muttered.

"Speak up knight! I cant hear you if you mumble!" She scolded.

Sighing I took a breath in and out then spoke louder, "I said, not much longer, Princess." I spat back, glaring at her and speeding up my horse. She flinched but huffed then caught up to me and my horse, racing me in a way.

I smirked internally, using my legs to hit the side of my horse, making him go ahead of Zelda's. I could feel my smile itching at my lip. Until Zelda's horse came rushing toward me and getting in front. I chuckled, hitting the side of my horse again and getting in front once more and planning to keep it that way.


I see Link and his horse speed up beside me and getting more ahead.

What I'm I doing, I shouldn't be getting along with Link again. I have to stay away from him, well try and get my powers activated. Not having fun. I have to stop this. Now.

I pulled on the reins from my horse stopping it right in her tracks. Link looks back at me and stops his horse gently and gallops over to me.

"Whats wrong?" He asked with a hint of worry covering his voice.

"Nothing knight, let's just get to the Spring of Power and not fool around." I spat making my horse go and galloping forward leaving a confused Link behind me.

I heard other steps behind me, coming closer, assuming it's Link. I glanced back to see Link with his face hung low and his hands clenched around the reins in a tight fist.

I really am sorry Link...


I kept my head low not even bothering to look up at Zelda in front of me.

I really hate her being her old self again. I just seem so... so alone now. Why did she even stop our little 'race' we had. Didn't she have fun racing? We used to do it before. But not now...

I sighed tracing my horse mane lightly. I smiled softly whispering to him. "Good boy..." and resting back against the saddle.

I could feel eyes staring a hole into my forehead. I glance up to see Zelda looking back at me with a visible frown on her face. Once I completely lifted my head up to face her, she quickly turned her head making her horse gallop faster away from me. Hitting the side of my horse with my legs, I caught up to Zelda before I lose her and then get yelled at for losing her when it was her fault.

We got near the East Akkala Stable so we could leave our horses and make our way to the Spring on foot.  Zelda gave her horse to the owner and so did I. He took our horses in the stables and closed the gate.

Zelda started walking down the hill from where the stable stood and headed to the Spring. I quickly followed her down, not before I paid the owner and followed.

She walked quickly ahead, well more like speed walked, to the Spring. We got to entrance from up top of the hill and waited by the entrance.

"Princess?" I asked softly.

She shook her head and started walking in the entrance of the spring where it was hidden. She approached the main entrance of the goddess statue.

I stood gaurd with my back turned to her as she walked into the water and hung her head low with her hands folded up to her chest.


I walk in the water hanging my head low, lifting my hands up to me chest and closing my eyes tightly beginning my prayer.

"I come seeking help... regarding this power that has been handed down over time prayer will awaken my power to seal the calamity away... or so I've been told my life. And yet," I rest my arms down in the water. "Grandmother heard them- the voices from the spirit realm. And mother said her own power would develop within me. But I don't hear... or feel anything!"

I look up at the goddess statue. "Father has told me time and time again... he always says, 'Quit wasting your time playing at being a scholar!' Curse You!" I splash my arms in the water looking down. "I've spent everyday of my life dedicated to praying! I've pleaded to the spirits tied to the ancient gods... And still the holy power have proven deaf to my devotion." I pause. "Please just tell me... what's is it? What's wrong with me?! Impa has told me to be something I have to be in such a short amount of time... What do I do?!" I cried desperately to hear and answer but nothing. Nothing!

I looked down tears forming in my eyes. I try fighting back but they came down one by one. I covered my face with my hands, sobbing quietly.

"Whats wrong with me..." I muffled.

I heard a sound of metal dropping on to the floor and felt a warm embrace take me in a tight hold. I removed my hands to see nothing but blue and white pattern shirt. I glance up to see Link holding me tightly within his arms not letting me go. I wrapped my arms around him my hands gripping onto his back and half my face on his shoulder. Tears falling down my cheeks.

I hold him tighter and sob out shaking dangerously. I could feel his arms hold me tighter and hear him whispering to me softly in my ear.

I nodded slowly, pulling sway from the hug and wiping my tears. I sniffed multiple times, and kept wiping the falling tears. Link reached his hand out, caressing my cheek and wiped each tear that fell with his thumb.

"Thank you... Link." I whispered, holding his hand that is placed on my cheek, caressings it softly with my index finger.

"Your welcome, Zelda." He whispered softly with a sweet smile. A smile I missed seeing for a few days noe that I've been rude to him...

Thank you Link... for everything...

An: aww so cute!

That's all I could say for this chapter... Whoa! Welp, I love this chapter either way soooo, yeet!!

Today was my dad's birthday!! He's so old now, well not really but to me, he is. Anyways, goodnight, morning, afternoon.

Till next time champions!😄😘

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