chapter fourty-one

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Revali led Zelda and Link to Blatchery Plain. They ran through the north side of the plain just coming close to a wall with a curved opening. Revali landed in front of Zelda and Link, looking over his shoulder.

"Why are we stopping Revali?" Zelda demanded. Revali stood silent, his wings blocking them from going forward. Link looked at Revali trying to find out why he was holding them back.

"Revali?" Link asked.

"Shh!" Reavli kept his gaze toward the gate wall. Zelda grew impatient with his act.

"Revali why are we just standing here? We need to get to the plain and-"A bright red light flashed just above the three of them. Zelda looked over Reavli's shoulders seeing two guardians  just above the wall.

"Zelda get down!" Revali pushed Zelda back as the beam hit just above her.


"Link!" Revali called. Link nodded with a grin as they both rushed toward the guardians.

It took aim at Link's chest as he lunged toward it. Revali flying over the guardian, got his bow and arrows out shooting a ancient arrow straight in its weak point. The guardian blew up in a bright blue light the other shooting a beam at Revali, knocking him down. Link quickly ran under Revali catching him roughly in his arms.

"You okay?" Link asked, setting Revali down beside him.

"Yes. Thank you." Revali nodded thankfully, smiling.

Link stood up holding his sword out. The guardian aimed at the both of them standing above in the wall. Link dripped his sword quickly grabbing the bow from Revali eith the ancient arrow and shooting it at the guardian.

He sighed giving the bow back to r Revali as he stood up.

"Thank you, again." Link nodded walking over to Zelda.

"Are you alright princess?" Link asked holding out his hand to her. She hesitantly took his hand as he pulled her up to her feet. Link smiled holding her hand in his as they both just stare at each other for a moment until Revali clears his throat.

"We should clear out the plain before more come." Revali said with a smug look on his face.

"R-right." Link said flustered letting go of her hand and rubbing the back of his neck.

Revali flashed Link a smug smile before walking forward to the gate wall. Link glared at Revali before following behind him with Zelda. They got to the entrance of the gate, not going any further.

"No... no." Zelda held her hand to her mouth, seeing all the guardians stalking around the plain. "They're... they're taking over Hyrule... it's almost all gone!" She cried.

"Zelda, snap out of it! We need to get rid of them." Link's stated. Revali nodded in agreement. She looked at them dumbfounded, but hurt.

"Link you can't be that serious! Can't you see how many of them there are? How many are around Hyrule!?"

"Yes I do! But we are going to stop them before more take over. Revali c'mon!" Link grabbed his sword and ran out. Revali looked at Zelda with an apologetic look before following Link.



More and more kept coming. We couldn't handle this anymore. Revali and I were already damaged and weak, barely even able to hold our weapons.

"Link look out!" Revali called out to me. I turned to his voice, looking behind me as the beam came flying. I barely dodged it as it skimmed my side. I winced in pain placing my hand on my side.

Revali shot his arrows at the guardians, knocking down three at a time. He flew over to me checking my side.

"Are you alright Link?" He asked worriedly. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Just got a little scratch. That's all." Revali nodded, helping me up.

"We should go Link. We can't take them all down. Zelda was right, we can't do this." Revali mumbled. I looked at him surprised.

'Revali wants to give up?'

"Revali we can't stop! We... we have to keep going to save this plain..." I said through coughs.

"Link you're hurt. We can't." Revali said warily, looking desperately in my eyes.

I sighed, looking down from Revali. I cant give up. I have to save Hyrule and help Zelda. I can't... I can't be like my father... I won't give up easily like he did with Zelda's father. I'm not leaving her like my father left.

"Link, Revali!" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Zelda calling for us. I turned to her voice when the a bright light flashed blinding me and Revali.

I shook my head trying to regain my sight. I looked around seeing all the gaurdains all broken and destroyed. Stopped in their place.

"Zelda? Zelda where are you?" I called out for her remembering her voice calling out for me before the light flashed.

"Zelda??" I called again. I sighed, looking around the broke Guardians. I then heard Revali calling me over. I ran over to where he was, his head hung low and frown on his beak.

"Revali what did you find?"

"Zelda..." he pointed down to the pile rubble.



An: Aaaaaaaaaaaand, *drum roll* Plot twist!!! Man... I feel so bad for Link... hm... questioning my decisions for the next few chapters...

Well, here Is a plot twist brought to you buy. Yours truly!🤓 there is a reason as to why it's going like this. Not to just break your hearts abiut the ships... but i think it might be to late?! Anyway sorry for misspellings, the cliffhanger! The suspense! And what not!

Now back to Troll hunters! My new favorite show!

Till next time champions! 😄😘

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