chapter twenty-one

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"You must keep your distance from Link if you want to control and active your powers." Impa said calmly before taking another sip from her tea.

"Wait what? Impa I can't just simply-" "You can and you will. If you could do it before when you and Link didn't get this close then you can do it now in order to save your kingdom, can't you?" She asked glancing up from her cup. I looked down bitting my lip and nodding slowly. 

"Yes..." I mumbled. "Zelda I know it's hard to push him away after you two have come so close, but you must understand, this is to save Hyrule from the calamity. No matter how much you may want to be close to Link, you won't be able to. I'm sorry."

"It's alright Impa... you don't have to apologize. I understand what I must do to protect Hyrule and keep it safe from the calamity." Impa nodded standing from her pillow and starting for the stairs.

"I know this is hard on you Zelda, I just want what is best for you as did your mother." She flashed me a small smile that I kindly returned, then she went her stairs and to her room.

I looked back down at my hands, sighing and curling my fingers into a fist. "For Hyrule..." I mumbled to myself, "for my mother..." I stood up, and headed to the door hesitate to open it.

"I'm sorry Link..." I swinged open the doors and walked down the stairs to see Link help a young Sheikah girl cook. I smiled but shook my head. 'I mustn't fall for Link and keep my distance from him... No matter how much it may hurt him and... me.

I walked over to Link with my arms crossed over my chest. I cleared my throat to grab his attention and luckily it did.

"Oh Zelda," he got up quickly, since he was kneeling down and smiled at me. "What did Impa want to talk to you about-" "that is none of your business, knight." He tilited his head in confusion and raised a brow. "Um... okay?" He rubbed the back, avoiding eye contact with me.

This is hurting me much... I hated being mean to Link that's why I changed but now I have to be mean again? How I'm I going to keep this up. What if he's being really kind to me and I give him the cold shoulder? He's just going to go back to being the silent knight like he was before I used to talk to him.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Link bring our horses nearby me handing me the reins from my horse.

"Here you go, Zelda..." He mumbled.

I took the reins and looked away from him. "Its Princess Zelda to you, knight!" I exclaimed, getting onto my horse and taking off.


I stood there holding th reins 9f my horse and staring at Zelda's retreating figure.  What's up with her and why is she turning back into her...old self...? The self, I never liked being around as much. The old self I would try to keep my distance but have to be next to her becuase I was her knight and had to be near her, but now... I have to be like that again if she is back to her old self. And I really don't want that to happen.

I got on my horse waving to the little girl and following after Zelda. Her horse and her hadn't gone far just got to the bridge near the stable. I galped next to her, not even making eye contact with her.

"We will head to the Spring of Power next and then rest at Akkala tower region, is that alright with you?" She glanced at me with no expression on her face. I nodded slowly not even looking at her just down at the reins in my hands from my horse.

"Good." She said coldly with a sort of pleased tone.

I gripped onto the reins of my horse and gritted my teeth. I look up at Zelda and see her facing toward with a blank, empty expression. I relaxed, looking back down shaking my head and looking forward once again. 

Please don't let it be like this again...

An: I feel bad for Link he had to go through Zelda demanding him again like she use to before they actually started getting close and she started to care but no. She's back to her normal, selfish self... why am I getting mad at myself?... explain!!!! Ha... I love myself! 😂

Anyways!!!!! Sorry for any misspellings you may have seen! I was just into the chapter I kept writing and didnt see if I spelled anything right.

Till next time my champions! 😄😘

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