chapter thirty-two

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Link and Mipha jumped off the peak and dived into the water.

"Link get in my back and we'll try to get in Ruta to get the Slate to the terminal." Link nodded, swimming over to Mipha and getting on her back.

"Hold on tight." Mipha smiled, before dashing toward Ruta.

A loud rumble shook the ocean floor of the Domain. The citizens tumbled over the shake, so did Mipha and Link. Link held onto Mipha tightly, as it water shook and Ruta came up from the water.

Ruta made a loud rumble as it arose from the water.

"Link we have to get closer to Ruta without it knowing we're here."

"Well it already knows so what's the point in that. Let's just get in through the small waterfalls coming out of Ruta's sides and take it back from the calamity." Mipha nodded.

She swam over to Ruta getting near the small water falls.

"Link why don't you try and shoot down the machine making the water flow so we can get in faster. Because if we try to get in by the waterfalls, we can't simply glide in." Link tapped his chin and nodded.

"Alright. I'll try to shoot it but be ready to get me okay?" Mipha nodded in agreement as they went through with their plan.

Mipha swam closer and closer, Link held on to Mipha's garment as she made her way up the fall. She swam through the waterfalls as Link got ready to jump up. He grabbed his bow, placed a shock arrow in the string, jumped off of Mipha and up into the air.

He eyes the machine, not before notching a shock arrow at it making red smoke and electricity burst out of it as it got destroyed. He dived down back in the water, swimming over to Mipha.

"To the next one."

They contiuned this same routine for the other three that were around Ruta. This time Ruta responded to each attack sending ice blocks their way making it harder and harder for them to get near it.

"Link can't you use the the Slate to deflect the cubes?" Asked Mipha.

"I think so. Let me check but keep moving around Ruta so we can keep getting closer."

Link took out the Slate and looked through it. He looked through, photos, maps, food recepies,  then different abilities. He pressed down on the tab with a snow flake on in and moved the Slate around. "I think I found one. Try to get closer to Ruta."

"Got it!" Mipha said as she began to swim closer to Ruta.

It rumbled thrashing around in the water but staying in its place as large ice blocks formed and stsrted rushing toward them. Link moved the Slate to the block pressing down on the tab once more and making the block crack and break. His smile turned into a smirk. (Oof! I'm sorry but Link smirking is just... jdjfifhdh.. Okay back to it) He told Mipha to go toward the falls once more as more blocks came flying to them each getting destroyed by the Slate using Cryonis.

"Are the blocks coming after us again?" She asked worriedly.

"No! Go up the waterfalls again." She nodded and went up the fall.

Link placed the Slate on his belt, grabbed his bow from his back and got it ready.

"Alright Link, try to get all three of possible." She said as she jumped from the fall, Link jumping off of her back in the process. He notched his shock arrows at two of the machines o it able to get the first one. He dived back down and climbed back in Mipha.

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