chapter thirty-seven

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Revali flew up from the landing dock and up to were Medoh has been flying. He got above Medoh as much as possible to see where the shields had formed.

He flew closer to Medoh, causing it to form a red shield around it and shriek in am alarming state. Revali turned his head back toward Link, "what should we do about that shield?" Revali asked loud enough for Link to hear.

Link looked at Medoh, checking to where the source was coming from to pull up the shield. "Try moving away, and getting closer to Medoh again." Link ordered.

"Whatever you say." Revali said, flying away from Medoh. Just below of it to make the shield go away.

"What did you say for me to do after?!"

"Move in closer!" Revali did as told and moved in closer to Medoh. Link kept an eye on here the shield would come from Medoh, seeing the shield form from four sides of Medoh. One on each side of its wing, one at the end of its feet, and the last just right where the head is.

"Revali, I found where the shield is forming. And I think we can try to shoot them down." Link yelled.

"And how do you purpose we do that Link? Arrows, regular arrows can't reach him from where at. And even if they did, it won't shut down the shield." Revali rebuttaled.

"Maybe not regular arrows, but bomb arrows should! Do you have any one you right now?" Asked Link, leaning down his chest closer to Revali so he can hear him better. Revali rolled his eyes and said, "of course I do Link. I have any type of arrow." Revali said, sarcasm showing.

Link rolled his eyes and asked, "where do you have them Revali?"

"In my quiver. Just open the little latch on top and you'll see the different arrows." Revali contiuned to circle around Medoh while Link quickly opened the latch from the quiver moving around the arrows inside the little cylinder.

Link found bomb arrows just near the ice ones and took one out placing it just in the string of Revali's Great Eagle Bow.

"On my count, get ad close as you can you Medoh so I can shot the terminal shield." Link demanded and Revali rolled his eyes with a humphf.

"Alright, Link. Whatever you say." He said bluntly.

Link eyes the terminal creating the shield from the side of Medoh left wing.

"Alright now, Revali!" Link yelled. Revali quickly flew over to Medoh left side, just close enough for Link to take the shot and destroy to first terminal.

"Alright! Now we have to take down the other three." Revali nodded following one of every Links orders given to him to take down the terminals.

"Just one more Revali and then we can go inside Medoh." (Yes I skipped all the other three... I'm lazy!) Revali nodded flying over to the front of Medoh to take down the last terminal.

"Okay just do like we did before and get infront of Medoh do I can shoot down that last terminal."

"Got it!" Revali nodded before flying over to to Medoh's front side and getting in position for Link to shoot the arrow.

Link got out the bomb arrow and made aim for the terminal. "Get ready Revali. just get a little more close to Medoh to activate the shield so I can shoot down the terminal." Revali flew close to the terminal, straight in front of it hovering to keep his space. 

"Okay Link, its your turn! shoot the arrow now!" Revali yelled. Link nodded aiming at the the terminal and notching it before it could shoot back. A loud shriek sounded throughout the air and the terminal was destroyed was the shield around Medoh evaporated away. 

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