Chapter four

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Edited as of April 23, 2021

Link pov

Zelda and I made our way to Gerudo town to speak with Urbosa about any issues that have been occurring more recently in town.

We left our horses at Gerudo Canyon Stable since they can't handle the extreme heat, and had to go the rest on foot. Although even without our horses to guide us, Zelda was walking surprisingly fast, I had to quicken my pace just to caught up with her.

Why is she in such a hurry? I thought to myself. Maybe she's still flustered about what King Dorephan said to us. Or maybe she's just being her normal self and trying to get away from me as fast as possible. I shook away the thoughts and looked forward to see the princess out of sight. I looked around quickly in a panic to search for my lost princess but I couldn't stop her anywhere.

When she was no where to be found from our current position, I ran to Kara Kara Bazaar to see if she was there. But once I had stepped foot on the sand stone, I immediately scanned the area for the princess but she wasn't here either. I asked the people around the bazaar to see if they've seen her come this way but they all said no, exchanging worried glances to one another or to me.

This is strange. She doesnt normally run off out of nowhere. Does she not want to be beside me that much that she had to run away? Or maybe, she is just trying to play a joke. Wait... Zelda doesn't play jokes on me or in general. She is too formal. I was taken away from my thoughts when I heard a familiar scream. Grabbing my sword in my hand, I ran to the sound of screams and found the princess surrounded by Yiga Clan footsoliders.

I gripped onto my sword and lunged toward them at a fast pace. Two Yiga footsoldiers spotted me running toward them with my sword held high. They appeared in front of me holding their Demon carvers and lunged to me as well. I was barely able to dodge the attack from the other and slash them with my sword. One dodged my attack while I was able to knock down the other footsolider with the hilt of his sword. More came and nearly surrounded me only this time they came with Blademasters.

I took my stance and readied myself for the attack. Three blade masters summoned rocks from the ground to hit me, I dodged to the side, notching an arrow, hitting a headshot. Footsoldiers came at me about to swing their Demon Carvers. I countered the attack and made it bounce back to hit them straight in the chest.

I panted heavily looking at the last Yiga Blademaster, getting his sword ready to attack. I heard him chuckle deeply. It sent chills running up my spine. I havent gotten touched by any of them but if he touches me with that blade it could throw me off completely and the princess could get hurt.

I gritted my teeth and gripped the handle of my sword, reading myself for his attack to come. He swung his blade high and air started to rapidly come toward me. I didn't have my glider on me this time and I wouldn't be able to fly from the gust and attack him from above. Before I knew it, I got send flying up and landing roughly on the hot sand. I grunted in pain, lifting myself up with my elbow before he got a one up on me.

He came running - oh great - his blade dragging on the sand. I quickly got up and brought my sword forward to meet his. Our blades collided creating a loud screech of metal against metal. I tried taking him off his balance but instead he took me off balance, shoving me to the ground, piercing my shoulder blade. I screamed in pain, and looked at Zelda. She had a horrified look on her face, as she stared at me. I smiled weakly trying to show I was okay and turned back to the Yiga Blademaster. His deep chuckle echoed in my perspective as if he just won, but I wasn't gonna let that happen.

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