chapter twenty-three

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I heard Zelda soft sobs. I turned around to look at her shaking figure. I dropped my a word and ran over to her bringing her into a tight hug. My face buried in the gap of her neck. I could feel her shake dangerously and her arms wrap around me.

I whispered in her ear. She looked up at me and nodded. I placed my hand on her cheek, wiping away her tears. I smiled softly keeping my hand in her cheek. 

"Thank you... Link." She whispered, holding my hand that is placed on her cheek, caressings it softly with her index finger.

"Your welcome, Zelda." I whispered softly with a sweet smile.

We both let go from the hug and looked at each other.

Zelda looked down shamelessly and covered her hands over her face. "Zelda what's wrong?" I asked. Concern coming out of my words.

She shook her head looking up and giving me a sweet smile.

"Nothing... I'm just... I'm sorry." Her voice was soft and quiet but sad and apologetic.

"For what?" I asked raising a brow.

"For letting you see me like this. For..." she paused and sighed. "Nevermind. Let's just get out of here and head back home, knight." She glares at me like what just happened, didn't happen at all. She just walked passed me with her head held high and her arms crossed.

What is up with her now?


Zelda walked passed Link and toward the entrance not showing any sign of gratitude toward him for what he did for her just now. 

They went out of the spring and back to the stables to grab their horses and head back to Hyrule castle.

The stable owner brought out the two horses by their reins one on each of his side's. Link's horse gallop up to him rubbing his muzzle in Link head. He laughed, felt petting the muzzle of his horse. Zelda's horse galloped to her nudging her arm with her muzzle. Zelda looked at her horse and smiled petting her horses gray muzzle.

"Good girl..." Zelda mumbled.

Links glanced over to Zelda, seeing her smile. He looked back at his horse petting the muzzle to hide the smile growing on his face.

Zelda looked at him only to see the horses muzzle covering his face. She titled her head then shrugged and got on her horse.

"Hurry up, knight. We have to get back." She demanded.

Link sighed from behind the horses muzzle and spoke, "okay, princess." He got on his horse and galloped to hers.

She signalled her horse to go by the reins and it took off with Link following behind her.

The journey back to Hyrule castle was quiet. No one spoke to each other. Link would glance up to see Zelda and when he would look away Zelda would glance at him.

She would keep her head low and mumble to herself over and over again, with her hands gripping on the reins.

"Zelda?" Link spoke quiet at first to break the silence between them.

"Yes?" She asked not turning to face him.

"I'm going to go to Zora domain once we get back to Hyrule castle." He looked down at the reins.

Zelda stiffened up, keeping her horse on trail. "Oh? Why?" She asked.

He shrugged and fiddled with the reins. "Just to check on how they are doing."

"But they are doing fine Link. You have no need of going." She rebuttals. 

Link looled at her and speed up his horse. "How would you know? You're just caring about the springs and activating your so called, 'sealed power that you probably don't even have."

Zelda didn't say a thing. She kept her focus forward. "Actually link," she paused. "I care about helping my kingdom from the calamity. Not just the springs and activating my powers."

His eyes rolled back. "Sure you don't princess. Because you just didn't start to acting like you don't care about anything except yourself!" His voice started to raise and his fingers curled in on the reins making it into a fist.

"Don't tell me how I act Link! You do t k is me at all, and you don't get to tell me what isn't true! Because I do care and I care about my people! Not just myself!"

Link just rolled his eyes and speed up his horse in front of her. "Whatever you say princess, but I am going to Zora Domain once your back at the castle."

"No you are not Link!"

"Yes I am. You don't care about me anymore so why listen to a brat like You?" He spat back before signalling his horse to speed up more, leaving Zelda and her horse galloping alone.

She stayed silent. She bad nothing to say back to him.

Link... I'm not a brat... and I do care...

"It isn't my fault!" She yelled, tears falling down her cheeks.

It's not my fault...

An: Well, here is another chapter guys hope you enjoyed it and have a Happy Easter and april fools.

Also sorry for misspelling!!

Till next time champions!😄😘

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