chapter thirty-one

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The champions and princess Zelda all quickly went to their places. The champions went to their divine beast while Zelda and Link quickly made their way to Kakariko Village to tell Impa of the up coming news.

By the time they got there, all the people were gone. Everything was destroyed. Zelda looked at the village and feel to her knees.

"We're to late... they're all gone... everyone..." Link shook his head going down on one knee in front of Zelda holding out his hands to her.

"Zelda they're not gone. Impa probably already knew the calamity got free and got everyone out." Link caressed Zelda's now tear stained cheek, smiling softly at her. Zelda leaned against his touch, nodding.

They both stood up, Links hand still on her cheek, and both glances around the village. A loud crack of wood came from behind them, making Zelda jump in fear and hide behind Link who had his sword out and ready.

"Show yourself!" Link demanded.

From where the noise came from, a large straw hat with a red sheikah eye on top, popped out. Link sighed in relief, sliding his word back in its sheath. Impa came out with two of her gaurds, Dorian and Cado next to her in their black Sheikah outfits.

"Impa your okay!?" Zelda said with joy, her drown turning into a wide smile. Impa nodded slightly not before Zelda hugged her tightly. Impa smiles softly patting the blond's head.

Zelda let go of Impa, "Impa you won't believe this but the calamity it's-"

"Free. I know Zelda. And I knew we didn't have enough time," Impa shook her head, "Princess you must hurry to Hyrule castle with Link to seal away the calamity for good."

Zelda hung her head low shaking her head, "I cant Impa..." she mumbled.

"What? But Zelda you have yo seal it away your powers can-"

"I don't have my powers!" Zelda yelled.


"My powers didn't active! Nothing awoke the power inside me... I'm still... just me with no power what so ever to stop the calamity from hurting my people..." Zelda cried.

Impa frowned, Link embraced Zelda letting her cry on his shoulder. She held him tightly, pulling on his tunic, but he didn't mind. He just wanted his princess happy right now and out of danger.

"Link, take Zelda to Hyrule castle and help her put am end to the calamity. She may not have her powers, but she does have you." Link nodded, placing a small kiss on Zelda's forehead, "C'mon, princess." Link said in a hushed tone. Zelda nodded, wipping her tears away.

"Wait before you go. Zelda you need to get the Sheikah Slate to the others so they can set their Divine Beast free." Impa told her. Zelda nodded grabbing the slate from Link's belt, since Link had to hold it around his waist belt.

"Okay. Let's go Link!"


All the champions we at their divine beast but only one thing was wrong with them. The champions all had lost their Divine Beast to the calamities power. Mipha tried calming the rains Vah'Ruta started but it didn't listen.

Urbosa had to get in the sand storm that Vah'Naboris was creating around it. A loud shriek was hears from inside the storm. Urbosa covered her ears to sound out the noise from her Beast.

Daruk had the same problem with Rudania. It climbed around Death mountain and whenever Daruk would get close, Vah'Rudania would send rocks flying down to him making it land on his protection.

✔Love triangle (Miphlink, Zelink)Where stories live. Discover now