chapter thirty-five

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Link and Zelda headed to Impa' s safe home that she and her people were for the mean time as the calamity is still taking control.

Link slowly dragged his feet behind Zelda, being cautious, but also, feeling down. Zelda turned her head to look over her shoulder and saw Link. Her face fell to a frown. Knowing the feeling Link has right now.

"Um... hey Link!" She paused and turned on her heel to look at Link. He stopped right in his tracks looking st the princess with no expression.

He hummed in response, keeping himself mute.

"What should we do once we get to Impa's place?" Asked Zelda, smiling.

Link raised a brow then just shrugged and kept walking. Passing the princess. Zelda looked at Link's retreating figure and sighed.

"Link..." she mumbled.


Impa walked around her small safe home, helping the surviving Sheikah in her village.

"Lady Impa, what must we do with these burnt wood from the old village?" Asked a man in Sheikah clothing.

Impa smiled, pointing over to a small pile near a large tree.

"Set it over there by that tree and we can use it to repair the old village." The man nodded taking the wood over to the tree.

Impa sighed, taking off her large hat, closing her eyes and looked up at the red, orange and smoky sky.

"We will save you Hyrule." She muttered.

Placing he that back on she felt something draw near, a smile appearing on her lips.

"Welcome princess and Link." She turned around slowly, a warm smile playing on her lips.

Zelda smiled happily, walking over to her old friend an giving her a hug.

"Hello Impa!" Zelda said almost overjoyed.

Impa chuckled, wrapping her arms around Zelda.

Zelda released the hug, Impa's hands still on Zelda's shoulders.

"And hello to you to Link." Said Impa with a small bow if her head.

Link did the same. Impa eyed Link, noticing the sadness inside him and all the pain he was feeling about Daruk. She walked over giving him a warm smile and whispering something to his ear. 

"Link will you assist my people? Ask if they need anything?" Link looked at her, blinking but bowed his head slightly and walked off.

Impa smiled and walked back to Zelda, "Come. We must talk." Impa wrapped her arm around Zelda's shoulders and walked to a small lake near a short goddess statue. (Remember Impa is younger, taller and not short and old, just in case you forgot) Impa sat down her legs sitting under her bottom and her hands resting on her lap. Zelda kneelt (is that right?) down next to Impa and slowly moved to sit on her legs as well, fixing her white dress as she does so.

"Do you see those to fish in the lake?" Impa asked gazing off at the lake.

Zelda hummed, turning her head to the fish. "Which ones Impa? There's many in there."

She nodded, then, pointed over to, a white fish and a half black and white fish, "those two. I have heard this story many times Zelda. And I'm sure you have as well." Impa glanced over to Zelda.

"Story?" Zelda questioned.

"The story of 'the two brothers'. It's an old tell, which to my surprise. You haven't heard yet." Zelda smiled sheepishly at Impa.

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