chapter fourty

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Link (finally my baby!!)

We ran and ran through the forest, damage marks on our clothes and face. I held Zelda's hand tightly as we ran, Revali flying above us, scouting the area before us.

I stopped suddenly whem I felt Zelda's hand leave mine. I turned quick in my heel seeing Zelda in the floor, laying on her knees. I signal Revali to come down as he does ever so gently and lands next to me.

"Zelda what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. She looked up at me and Revali with tears forming in her eyes. I knelt down next to her, Revali going down with me.

"This is all my fault! If we had ladybug earlier or at least have been strong enough we could've saved the rest of the champions! They could've been here to help us defeat the calamity!" She cried, covering her face with her hands. I sighed looking up at Revali.


" Its not your fault Zelda. It's not ones fault that the other champions are gone." Revali assured. I glanced over at him and back at Zelda.

"But it is. If only I was strong enough to help them, to help you, Link. If I hadn't stayed outside I could've helped you when you went against the blights but I didn't." She cried and fell into Revali's arms.

He rubbed her back reassuringly, holding her close to him. I glanced away in a way feeling hurt. She cried into his arms as he just held her close to him. The rain pouring down on us all at once.

It went quiet all around me just sounding out the rain, along with Zelda's cries. It was all frozen. Seeing Revali with Zelda in her arms made me... jealous. I didn't want to feel that way but I did and I have no clue as to why I did. It felt like my heart just closed inside and out. I can't get Zelda and she wouldn't want me either way after what I said to her before at Impa's hide out.

I shook my head to take the thought away as everything came back to me. I stood up, covering over my eyes from the rain.

"We should get going."


"We should get going before the storm gets worse and guardians or any monsters find us." I explained. Revali nodded standing up with Zelda still in his arms/wings.

I growled lowly, shaking it off and playing my regular blank expression. "Is there anywhere that we could go for the mean time Revali?" He moved Zelda from him gently and flew up to see anything.

Zelda stood there, hugging herself from the cold. I hesitantly tired to wrap my arm around her but I couldn't. As always.

"Link, there's a small little cave just up north from where we are!" Revali called from where he was.

"Okay! We can go there. Thanks Revali!"

He flew back down and immediately Zelda went to him and hugged him tightly like a child would if they got lost. He smiled softly wrapping a song around her shoulders, and started to walk ahead of me. I walked slowly behind them as we walked over to the cave.


By the time we got there the rain came pouring down more and more. We got into the cave and sat just near the entrance. Revali had Zelda sitting down on a small rock by the newly built camp fire I made.

I grabbed two rocks and hitting them together creating small sparks to the wood making a small fire. Revali sat next to Zelda and I sat on the opposite side of her and Revali.

They talked quietly, leaving me out of the conversation. But I've been left out most of the time we've had Revali with us. It hasn't been me and the princess, but me, Zelda, and now Revali.

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