chapter thirty-nine

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Zelda and Link walked under me as I flew above of them to watch if any enemies were in front of them. Looking down at the two I noticed how far apart they were from each other. I knee something was up but asking them, nothing would come out just huffs and glares as they storm off.

Link was walking behind Zelda the while way to the castle. Just as usual.

"Hey Zelda, Link." I called.

Zelda stopped looking up at me, "Yes?"

"Guardians, just up south of that mountain." I gestured ahead for her and Link to see. She turned around and looked ahead seeing the top of the head. She gestured me to come down and I humbling did. I flew down and landed next to her.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"We can go around, or try to face it before more come." Zelda explained.

Link crossed his arms, looking at Zelda in boredom.

"Why don't we just face it before it could see us and make more come to help it out?" Link asked.

"We could do that. But we're in the middle of the field, so either we go against it before more show up or, move around it. Either choice." I suggested. Zelda nodded in thought as she glanced to where the guardian stalker was.

"Okay... Revali, you and Link try to attack it. Link you distract it for him."

"Why do I have to distract it? Why can't Revali? He can fly and distract it." Link argued. His tone sounding annoyed with the plan.

"C'mon Link, let's just do what she says and get this done." I said calmly.

Link glanced away, clearly annoyed uncrossing his arms and resting them on his hips. "Fine..." he grumbled.

"Alright then."

"Zelda you hide near that forest over there just in case." I said warily. She nodded and ran off to the forest while Link and I approached the guardian.

"Why do you act like you care?" Link asked, holding his sword in his hand, crouching.

"What do you mean? I'm not acting like anything." I said.

"Sure your not, because out of no where you and Zelda are "close"." He raised his hands doing air quotes on the word close.

"I'm not acting Link. I actually do care about her and How are we even close?" I questioned. I didn't get why he was saying all these things. Was he jealous? Wait no that can't be. It's Link, he shouldn't be jealous about Zelda and me. Then again, me and Zelda aren't anything but friends.

"Sure, whatever." He mumbled quietly as we moved closer to the guardian.

"Link, what's your problem?" I asked, pulling him back by his shoulder to face me. "Why are you always so mad or annoyed when me and Zelda are together?"

"Nothing! Nothing Revali, you don't need to know Okay? Let's just get this guardian and continued castle so we can get this over with!" He cried.

I opened my beak to say something but was quickly canceled out by the loud beeping noise. Me and Link both looked up to meet the guardian stalker, drawing closer with its red laser aiming at us.

Me and Link quickly separated either flying up or running.

I took the sky as quickly as I could, taking out my bow and some bomb arrows. Link on the other hand, had his sword in his hand and stood behind a tree. I looked down at him, gesturing him to go toward the guardian. Link shook his hand and pointed at me to go. I face palmed and pointed at the guardian looking at him.

We had a "look" fight for about 5 minutes since it got interrupted by the guardian shooting his red laser at Link from behind the tree. He dodged luckily, but still getting hurt in his side.

I shot two bomb arrows at the head of the guardian, making it weak. I shot two more at the head and body making it explode. I flew back down to Link, landing next to him.

"Link if you didn't open your mouth to yell at me, we wouldn't have gotten almost killed!" I yelled, pointing a finger at his chest.

"My fault? My fault?? How is it my fault." Link argued.

"You yelled causing the guardian to sense us and making it almost kill us."

"That's because you asked me Revali! And I was already getting annoyed with all your questions you were asking me and-ugh!" He cried again, holding a hand in his side. Zelda came toward us and by my side.

"What happened?" She asked worriedly.

Link and I shared glares at each other and responded, "Nothing" in unison.

"Okay, well let's get going now since it's safe." She smiled, walking forward.

"Okay..." Link mumbled.

Me and Link followed behind Zelda and to the castle, flying up from time to time to check if any guardians or bokoblins were around us, as we made our way to Hyrule castle.

An: finally a real chapter! Since it's the weekend and I had time why not write a chapter? So here it is! If it's boring... well it's boring. Got to save the good stuff for the next chapters right.

Sorry for misspellings I might of had. Boring chapter, and... I don't know... got to go study for finals! Wait... I never study for those or any test... hmmm... eh atill have A's! 😉😂

Till next chapter champions!! 😄😘

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