chapter thirty-six

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Impa stepped out of the water and passes me her hand falling on my shoulder. My gaze turns up to look at her. She smiled softly, and pat my shoulder before walking off. I watched her and then looked back at the two fish.

I dazed off and started to feel heavy. I fell back trying to catch my balance but was caught. Hands were now under my arm holding me from falling back. I turned my head up to see Link with a cautious look on his face holding me closely to him.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly. I nodded, feeling my cheeks get warm by how close our lips were.

Link sat me up and wrapped his arms around my waist holding my from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder. I could feel his calm breathing on my neck and his grip getting tighter.

I turned my head to the side to look at him. His eyes closed. My gaze trailed down from his eyes to his lips. His mouth was gaped open as he breath was calm. I smiled softly and kissed his cheek.

He opened his eyes and looked at me with a brow raised. A smirk appeared on his face. I could feel my cheeks get warmer and warmer.

His grip around my waist became tight and he pulled me back to him so my back was completely on his chest. I blushed deeply, my face probably a deep tomatoe red. I looked down at my hands and started to fiddle with thumbs.

Link lift his hand up, placed it on my cheek and made my head face him. I closed my eyes and scrunched my nose trying to hide the red stains forming on my cheeks.


I chuckled softly, seeing how her face was now scrunched up. I gently kissed her nose and waited for her to open her eyes. But she didn't. I sighed.

'All I wanted to do was talk just the two of us but I guess not this time.'

My eyes trails down to her lips and I didn't know if I wanted to kiss her. My body was saying no, but my heart was saying yes. I know that sounds cheesy, and it probably is but It's true. The only person whom actually kissed was Mipha because I couldn't help myself. I actually loved her, yet again, I also liked Zelda.

All our memories together meant so much to me and I want to tell her so much. But I can't... and probably never will...

I turned my head side ways to face her and leaned in. Our lips barely inches away. I felt something cover over my chest and that something went all over my body. I didn't know what it was but it was stopping me. Telling me no.

'I can't... I can't kiss her...'

I removed my arms around her waist and stood up to walk away and help with the other villagers. I rubbed the back of my neck taking in a long sigh.

'I could've done it but... I just can't. I feel like it's wrong for me to kiss her. Even if she did kiss me before. I don't know why I can't now...'

My mind didn't knos what to do and neither did I. My heart was telling me one thing but my body and mind were telling me another. And I don't know which one to follow. Mostly because I never do. I always follow ehat my head says. Never what my heart tells me to do and maybe that's why I mess up on certain things like this. The only thing that's confusing me is why I didn't act like this with... Mipha.

I walked over to a couple and their two kids. One ran up to me and the other just stayed by her parents.

The boy looked up at me with a big smile across his face, lifting his hands up to me so I can carry him. I chuckled and picked him up.

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