Chapter eleven

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Edited as of April 27, 2021

Zelda's pov

I walked around the Castle halls and doors trying to find where I was going. But everything was dark. Just dim candels were hung on the walls lighting up the long hall. I couldn't see where I was really going or what was in front of me. Just darkness.

I traced my fingers on the walls to find my way around and felt a door knob touch my fingers. I smiled in relief finally finding a way out of this dark hall. And come to think of it, I don't remember these halls being this dark or long.

I turned the knob, creaking the door open, showing nothing but a burning fire place with a royal gaurd sword and shield hung above the fireplace. I glanced around the room looking for anything else that could possibly be useful or tell me where exactly I am in this forsaken castle.

"Huh?" I saw a black, red smog appear in my field of vision floating over to the fireplace as a dark dark velvet red chair appeared.

The arm rest from what I could see was covered in hog skin wool, and large tooth fangs hung on the back of the seat. Then I saw a large arm lifting it's weight up from behind where I could see and stood.

I took a step back eyeing the large smoged figure as it stood. I placed my hand on the knob, not turning away until I realized the whole door was gone. I turned around my back toward the figure trying to find the door.

'Where is it? Where's the door!?' I panicked in my head. When I turned around, the figure was already in front of me. Looking down at me with their yellow golden glowing eyes. I shook in fear, everything stopped. I couldn't move or anything. Then it disappeared changing its shape into... my father.

"Father!" I exclaimed overjoyed to see him. I hugged him tightly, tears running down my cheeks. But he pushed me away harshly making me fall to the floor, hitting the back of what I assumed was a wall. "F-father?" He glared at me not wanting a thing to do with me.

"Get off me you little pest!" He spat. My eyes grew, keeping my place on the floor.


"You heard me you little pest! I dont want you touching me! Your a disgrace to my kingdom! I want you exiled at once!" He spoke coldly, not even looking at me.

This can't be real... it not real. And yet even with that in mind I still gave in. So foolish of me.

"Wh-what! Father, no you can't! I'm your daughter!" I argued beggingly trying to make him stop.

Hylian gaurds appeared, grabbing my arm and dragged me into the darkness. I reached out for my father begging him to take me back as his figure grew smaller  and smaller the more I was taken into the darkness. And just as his figure disppearedz the gaurds tossed me out on the entrance doors of Hyrule Castle.

I stood up, seeing Link standing by the entrance with the other champions by his side.

"Link, please! Tell my father that he is making a mistake. I can't leave here Link, please!" I begged him. He just laughed coldly. The others joining.

"Please. Why would we let a worthless brat back into the castle?" Revali said.

"Yeah, we don't want a selfish, inconsiderate, childish girl like you in Hyrule, ruling us one day." Urbosa spoke.

"They're right. No one wants someone that's weak and selfish to rule." Daruk agreed.

"Sorry Princess, but this is how it is."Mipha said in her calm, gentle tone but instead it took a nasty, venomness tone.

I looked at Link one more time pleading him to not agree with them and help me. He approached me, giving me a tight embrace. I started to tear up and I returned the embrace tightly.

"Thank you..." I cried in his shoulder not letting him go.

I heard him chuckle deeply. It made me tense up, his laugh sending chills down my spin. He gripped my shoulders and leaned onto my ear.

"Bye, bye you worthless excuse for a princess... Just like your mother!" He whispered in my ear and pulled away from me, smirking darkly. Tears trailed down my cheeks at the mention of those words and... my mother.

They walked away, leaving Link with me. And that's when the scenery changed to a burning castle, with... the Calamity rising over the castle.

"No, this can't be happening the Calamity doesn't exist yet!" I cried.

Link smirked at me, gripping onto his sword. I looked at him terrified, stepping back to no road or anything. I looked behind and saw a fallen Hyrule. Everything was gone. Everything...

"See what happens if we leave it to you? If we leave Hyrule to you!" I looked at him, shaking and my eyes letting tears fall.

"I'm sorry... I... I"

"Shut it! You have no place here! It's better if you just die!" He yelled with venom. This wasn't him. This isn't real. Wake up Zelda! Wake up!

Link lunged toward me with his sword, no look of remorse as he raised his blade toward me.


end of dream

I woke up in a deep sweat, quickly checking my surroundings. I ran my fingers through my messy gold hair once I realized everything was back to normal. No burning Castle. No Calamity. None of it.

"It was... a dream." I said in a shakey breath.

I looked down at Link's sleeping body and Mipha's. They were still out cold. I relaxed a little breathing slowly each time taking in the fresh breeze. Then sat up straight with my knees brought up to my chest as I leaned my chin in the folds of my arm.

"What was that... monster..." I whispered to myself.

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