Chapter five

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Edited as of April 24, 2021

Zelda pov

As the warm breezed started to trickle on my skin, I felt not only the warmth if the desert sun but something beside me. A warm body. My eyes fluttered open forgetting the warm feeling embracing me for just a moment until I had finally woken up and everything started to click. I glanced down to my abdomen feeling a strong arm wrapped around it and my cheeks began to flush.

"Oh my goddess! Oh my goddess!" I whispered covering my hands to my mouth in case I woke up the sleeping Knight.

My mind raced with thoughts, questions of how we had ended up this way. How I was being embraced by the Knight himself. I felt my cheeks get warmer by the second as Link brought me closer to him my, my back against his stomach. Now not only aa my mind buzzing to figure out an answer but my heart was doing flips beyond reason.

The Knight moved in his sleep, causing my body to move even closer to his. Oh, by Hyila please end this moment. I groaned internally wanting to escape his strong embrace but the more I just stayed still I started to find myself enjoying this small moment. It was odd, and completely ridiculous of me to think such a thing but it was nice.

I sighed, glancing forward to the palm trees that surrounded the Bazaar my eyes trailing up to the morning sky as I waited for the Knight to wake up and possibly release me before I could burst from embarrassment.

His hot breath hit my neck over and over as he slept making my not only cheeks hot but the test of my body. Though, his breathing had began to slow down and his soft snores started to end as he shifted. Oh Hyila please don't tell me he is waking up...

I could feel my body tensing up already at the thought of him waking up realizing that he had been holding me possibly the whole night or so.

I didn't dare look over my shoulder to see his face when he woke up, instead I kept my eyes forward bitting my lip as I waited for the awkward moment to come. I hear him yawn removing his hand from my abdomen to possibly rub his eyes before he placed it back down on my side. I could feel his tired gaze already looking at me - at us. I didn't say a word. I just closed me eyes and hoped for the worse.

I felt his arms retreat from my side and the sound of him shifting to a different position.

"S-sorry... Princess...  He stuttered out in barely a whisper.

I turned my head to look over my shoulder seeing his hands covering his mouth and cheeks, but his ears weren't covered and I could see the dark shade of red tinting the very tip of it. I quickly turned my head back to it's original position bringing my hands to my chest.

"I-its alright. I - uh, its, erm... totally alright. Not like you meant any harm in doing it. Besides... you were asleep. So... erm-" I stuttered being lost for words as I tried to explain to him that it was alright. Even if it was a very awkward moment, one that I do not want to experience again.

I looked over my shoulder once more seeing him nod, his cheeks and ears still stained red as he stood up from the blanket to stretch. I should do the same to relax my tense muscles from what had just occured.

I turned on my back and pushed myself up from the blanket, stretching my arms out in front of me before raising them above my head. I took a glance to Link, seeing his back turned to me. He stretched his hands over his head and stood on his tippy toes. For some odd reason, it made me smile. Almost want to laugh. He looked over his shoulder and saw me smiling, causing his blush to increase more.  And with that action, he made me blush more as well.

I quickly turned my gaze back to the ground and hit my lip, Ugh what is wrong with me! Get hold of yourself, Zelda. You shouldn't be feeling this way. Even if he makes your heart skip a beat for no apparent reason, doesn't mean you have to consider and look deeper into it. He is just a Knight. And you are a Princess. You have to be with Royalty not a Captain of the Royal Gaurd. But... even so, he isn't just a Captian of the Royal Gaurd. He's the chosen champion by the goddess, but that doesnt say everything about him. He's kind, caring, helpful, truthful, strong, handsome... wait what am I saying! That Knight is not handsome! Ugh, what is wrong with me!

Before I could continue racking my brain, Link snapped his fingers in front me taking me out of my thoughts. I gave him a sheepish smile and he just chuckled lightly.

I finished the last of my stretches and walked toward the pond. I fixed my golden long hair in the reflection making sure it wasn't messy for my meeting with Urbosa. Link on the other hand, just fixed his hair in his usual ponytail, and adjusted his gloves on his wrist.

He began to pack up, putting the tent away in the bag. "Hey, um, Princess... Do you want food?" He asked. I looked at him puzzled but then nodded. He smiled, grabbing some fruit from his bag, along with some mushrooms as he walked over to the cooking pot just beside us. While he cooked away, I had finished my look and packed up the rest of our stuff.

He came to me with a plate of Spicy Fruit and Mushroom Mix. My eye lit up at the sight.

Mix fruits on the side with a large cooked mushroom resting under the cooked fruits. A wide smile grew on my lips as he gave me the plate. "Ah~ thank you Link!" I said happily before devouring the whole meal into my mouth taking large amounts.

Link laughed, eating the meal slowly. I swallowed the last bite and grinned from ear to ear. "That was amazing! You truly are an amazing cook, Link!" I praised.

Link smiled. "Thanks, Princess. No one has ever told me that." He whispered playing with the left over fruits.

I looked at him. "Really?" I tilted my head and he nodded. He shook his head and stood up, grabbing my plate.

I heard him sigh as he washed the plates in the pond before placing them back into the our bag.

I stood up slowly, grabbed my bag and placed it on my back. "Come on. Let's go to Gerudo Town and meet up with Urbosa." He nodded. Then, grabbed his sword satch and strapped it on. Once we were packed and ready to go, we headed to Gerudo town.

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