Chapter eighteen

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Edited as of May 19, 2021

After being told to get some rest for the remainder of the morning, Link had gotten his much needed rest waking up around late noon as he hurried to get himself ready for their trip to the Domain. He wasn't all for going back after having to come to Hyruke Castle to just tell Zelda of the information he knew so little about. Though, he let the thought go and rushed out of his room with his sword strapped around his back and a sack of supplies for the trip; he had prepared before heading off to bed.

Zelda, on the other hand, still had some trouble going to sleep. She would close her eyes only to wake up again to the loud screams in her head stopping her from enjoying a good night's rest, well morning nap. She tossed and turned in her lavish sheets, plushing up the pillow against her face trying to allow sleep to over take her and just as it was about to happily invite her in; a knock echoed through her room following along side a small creak of the door opening.

A young maid with brown tied up curls came into the Princess room, her lavender eyes scanning the dimmed area as she stepped inside. Slowly making her way over to thr curtains at the end of her room, she slowly slid them open allowing the beautiful shining sun to beam through the Princess's room, making her groan and turn her face toward her pillow.

"Good morning - well - noon, your highness." Her soft voice cracked through the groans of the Princess as she made her way over to her dresser, picking out a her usual gear when going out with Master Link.

Zelda moved her face away from her pillow and sat up stretching her arms out with a long yawn. She fixed her posture as she watched the maid move about the large room getting her outfit ready for the day. "Thank you, Aleaha."

The young maid, Aleaha, nodded to the princess setting out the rest of her things before walking to the door. "I will inform your father that you are awake, Princess!"

Zelda nodded allowing the maid to leave her alone to get ready.

Zelda glanced around the room as she worked to wake herself up a little more before getting out of bed. Staring out at the blue Sky outside her window sure did light up the gloomy and messy room. Books were all over the place as well as some paper work, she really had some cleaning to do once she came back but for now meeting with King Dorephan was top priority.

"Okay, Zelda. Time to get ready." She told herself while uncovering herself from the sheets as she grabbed her outfit on the end of her bed and walked over to the white dividers at the corner of her room.

Link walked through the halls that seemed to last forever thr more he traveled through them day in and day out. It was starting to become a hassle. Though, soon enough he found himself in one of one the main halls that was lined with paintings of past Kings and Queens. Some were also of the Royal Gaurd. Even his father. But he never stopped to admire it. For reasons, that were still unknown to most.

The moment he drew closer to the Princess's room, he picked up his pace until he got to her door giving the hard wood a few knocks before he heard a muffled, "Come in" from the other side. Hearing her respond, Link didn't waste much time to open the door to her room spotting the Princess fix her hair by her desk.

"Afternoon, Princess." He smiled, bowing his head slightly but it only made Zelda shake her head and turn around to look at him.

"There is no need for that, Link. You don't have tk bow like you folds with my father." She spoke stern but soft toward him. He may have been her knight but she didn't want to keep things on thr formality for too long. Not after how close they have gotten. "Any how, good afternoon, Link. I hope you slept well and are ready to make the journey to Zora Domain."

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