Chapter twenty-nine

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"What!?" Zelda and Link said unison.

"You heard me, Link! Stay away from Mipha!" He hissed.

"Whoa whoa, wait why? Mipha's my friend."

"Exactly. She's your 'friend'." Revali said with air quotes.

"What does being friends have anything to do about it?" Link questioned crossing his arms.

"May I borrow him for a moment princess?" Zelda nodded as Revali roughly took Link by the arm and dragging him up the stairs to the flight board.

"What do you mean by stay away from Mipha? It's not like you like her it anything. I mean you are always bad mouthing her, bullying her most of the time make fun of her." Link explained with his arms crossed.

"And your right, I don't like her, bit I just don't want you hurting Mipha." Revali mumbled the last part quietly making Link smirk.

"What was that Revali? I couldn't hear that very well." Link smirked.

Revali's cheeks got warm and he started to get flushed. Luckily his feathers were covering his blush.

"Do you care for Mipha? Does Revali actually care?" Link teased.

"Shut up Link!" Revali covered his mouth with his feathered hands and glared at him as Link's eyes were just filled with amusement.

"So yho duo?" Link muffled from i see Revali hand.

"What?" Revali questioned. Link pointed to Revali hand. He removed it as Link took a deep breath in and out.

"I said, so you do!"

Revali narrowed his eyes and looked away from Link crossing his arms/feathers. A evil smirk crosses Link's face as he walks to Revali. "So I'm right aren't I?"

Revali sighed pushing Link away from him and nodding slowly. Link smiled and playfully punched Revali on the shoulder.

"Its okay, I'll keep it a secret from the others and Mipha." Link winked making Revali roll his eyes at him and shoving him.

"Just don't hurt Mipha, Link. I don't want to see her heart broken."

"Heart broken? Why would she be heart broken?"

Revali looled at him with a bored look. "She's your friend, Link. Nothing more than that and you kissed her if I remember correctly." It was Revali time to smirk and Link's time to blush.

"Y-you saw that?" Link stuttered out, looking like a red tomato. Revali laughed at his reaction and nodded.

"Yup, I saw everything!" Revali mumbled to Link. Link mumbled under his breath and lifted his eyes up to Revali.

"That was nothing... it was just..." Link trail off.

"It was just a passionate kiss that ment something between you too." Revali said with a smirk. Link rolled his eyes and looked away from him.

"Whatever... just..." he sighed. "Nevermind... just don't say anything about the kiss to anyone or I'll tell about you caring." Revali nodded.

"Fine with me." Link nodded in agreement and started walking back to Zelda.

"Wait Link!" Revali called to him.

Link turned around, "Yeah?"

Revali mouth something to Link making him blush and quickly walk off back to Zelda. He laughed, watching Link speed walk down the stairs.

Zelda waited for Link down by the little lake pool on the mountain r hat leads out the Village.

"Link, what took you so long?" Zelda asked standing up. Link shook his head and smiled. "Nothing just had to go over things with Revali and about his Divine beast." Link lied, rubbing the back of his neck. She raised am eyebrow but shrugged it off.

"Okay, well let's head back to the castle so we can go to Mount Lanayru tomorrow." Zelda said, walking to the bridge.

Link followed behind her and heard a whistle come from above him. He looked up to see Revali leaning forward  on the rails of the stairs, looking down at Link with a smirk. He slid his feathered finger across his beak and locking it as if it had a lock. Link nodded doing the something and catching up to Zelda.

"You better not hurt my Angel." 

An: Awww Revali actually does care about them! Awwww and his Angel!! Even though he's mean to her but still you know. Your bully can sometimes become your boyfriend or girlfriend. You never know, I'm I right?

Hope you enjoyed, sorry for misspellings annnnd, I might be posting really quick this month probably, if I feel like I'm really into the chapter. Like I was with this one!

Comment, vote, support!

Till next time champions!😄😘

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