Ni: Home

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Ni: Home


     I found myself standing in front of my old home at the corner where the Uchiha clan is located in Konoha. I suddenly felt like a little boy again because of this nostalgic feeling. As I stare at the familiar house before me, I started to recall my old memories as a child when I still lived in this home with my parents and Itachi. I couldn't help but let a small smile form my lips as Images of their smiling faces appeared before my very eyes along with the kind words that they have said to me. 

     I reminisced all the good times and even the bad times my family and I have been through in that home. Every memory of them that I have treasured greatly played inside my mind like a record. From all the moments that Itachi flicked my forehead and denied my request when I asked to play until the very moment he used the mangkeyou sharingan on me on that dreadful night. The day my clan was massacred has been burned in the back of my mind and has left invisible scars that will remain there forever.

     I clench my fists tightly, realizing only now that I was holding something. I look down at my hands and realized I was holding grocery bags filled with different kinds of vegetables. I frowned in confusion when I realized as well that I'm not wearing my usual sound village outfit that Orochimaru gave me long ago, instead I was wearing my usual house clothes which is a blue shirt with the Uchiha crest at my back and a pair of light brown shorts that reached below my knees. What the hell is happening? Why am I here? Where are Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi? 

     "Sasuke!" I froze and I stopped breathing as I felt my heart skip a beat when I heard that voice. I rigidly look up to see the source of the voice to see my older brother, Uchiha Itachi peeking from the entrance. Itachi? I dropped the grocery bags in surprise as I felt my heart hammer relentlessly inside my chest. I didn't understand, I felt like as if my brain short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. Around me, everything was in fast-forward while I was motionless in the middle of it all. Why on earth is he alive? 

     "Oh, there you are! Oka-san has been looking for you! She needs those vegetables to cook lunch, you know?" He says casually as he steps out of the house and places his hand on his hip. How could he be alive? I remember so well that I have killed him and yet he looks like nothing has happened. He also doesn't look like he's an edo tensei at all, he just looks like a normal person. I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes until I saw nothing but sparkles. I heard footsteps coming closer but I tried to ignore it and focus on my confused thoughts. This can't be happening. Is this possibly a dream? 

     "Sasuke, what are you doing standing there all day? Come on, oka-san is waiting for you!" Before I could even react, I felt him grab my forearm and drag me to the house. Without second thought, I forcibly yanked my arm away and took a step away from him. I held the area his skin made contact as I glare at him. His touch felt so familiar and it felt so warm. He is, indeed, alive. "What did you do that for?" He asks, surprised. 

     "Get away from me!" I found myself yelling at him, everyone who was nearby stopped to stare at us. I tried to ignore it as I thought of possible explanations for this. I then came to conclusion that this is possibly a genjutsu. I closed my eyes, trying to activate my sharingan, but when I opened my eyes, it didn't work, it was like I've never activated my sharingan at the first place during the chunin exams.

     "Sasuke, you have never spoken to your brother like that, what is happening to you?" Another familiar voice that made me even more confused. I turn my head towards the source of the voice to see my mother standing at the porch in her cooking apron while wiping her hands with a rag. Just like Itachi, she doesn't seem dead at all. In fact, she still looks the same from the last time I saw her. Oka-san? How could this be? How could the people who are supposed to be dead, alive? Why is my sharingan not working and who have changed my clothes? What is happening here?

     "Sasuke, did something happen?" Itachi asks, his voice laced with concern as he took a step forward. "Did you fight with your girlfriend again?" I scowled in confusion. What is he talking about? Since when did I have a girlfriend? 

    "No!" I yell in exasperation. I wanted answers to what is happening and I'm getting quite impatient. "What are you talking about? I don't have a girlfriend!"

     "What?" My mother asks in surprise. "Don't tell me the both of you have broken up?" She continues sadly. "She was such a nice girl." She adds as she shakes her head in disappointment. 

     "No, that's not it!" I've never been so confused in my entire life. I can't believe this actually happening. 

     "Then what is it?" That voice made me feel like the entire world has stopped completely. I slowly look back to where my mother is standing to see my father standing beside her. I take a step back. It was like everything is the same to what it was before. It was like the tragedy never happened at all. People who are supposed to be dead are alive and the place I used to call home is right there before me with my family. This obviously isn't reality nor a dream or even a genjutsu. But if that's so, then what is this? 

     "All of you...are supposed to be dead!" I yell as I clenched my fists tightly. All three of them looked at me as if I was insane. I aimed a finger at my two parents, who stared at me with pure confusion and shock. "You two, along with this entire clan were murdered by Itachi!" I then pointed at Itachi. "At the other hand, I killed you for revenge!" Somehow I couldn't hold my feelings back anymore. I felt pure hatred for this sight before me. My family has always had a special place in my heart, but this just draws the line. 

    This is not only making me confused but it is messing my mind up and making my own emotions take over. Seeing them again alive, makes my heart fill up with hope that everything will be back to normal and I hate it. I should know very well that nothing could change their deaths and I will remain in the darkness, but something within me tells me otherwise. "What are you talking about?" Itachi asks. I gritted my teeth. Of course he won't believe me; I was foolish to think that any of them will. 

     "Sasuke!" My father called sternly. It was the voice he used to call me before when I was a child. I remembered the times I've tried so hard for his approval and acceptance. And I've waited for so long just for him to praise me like the way he praises Itachi. "Stop blabbering nonsense, because you are making a scene! We are not dead, no matter what you say or think! We are living and breathing humans that stand here before you. I'm not trying to say that we will live forever, but as long as we're still alive, you better enjoy it!" 

     I started to think of it as that way. This can be a great opportunity or chance. Not only will I maybe find out what is happening around here, I also get to make up for the lost time with my family. After such a long time, I'll get to feel like a normal kid again and that everything will be like it was before. "Now come on," Itachi says, snapping me out of my thoughts as he brings out his hand. I look at his hand then at him. He flashes me a small smile that brought thousands of nostalgic memories. From the moment we were kids until he died for good because of the edo tensei. I hesitantly hold his hand and his smile grew wider.

     "Let's go back home."

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