Ni-juu nana: Sharing information again?

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Did any of you read chapter 687? RIP Obito ): by the way, I have exams coming so I won't be able to update as fast as usual.  Anyway, there’s a part where I based it from the Sasusaku cover hehe. I really loved that one.

Ni-juu nana: Sharing information again?


“Konichiwa, Sasuke-kun!” 

“G’day, Sasuke-kun. Isn’t it a pleasant morning today? Yeehaw!”


“What’s up?”

“Hey there, baby.”

     “Ohayo, Sasuke-kun!” I say with a cheerful voice but then I slumped down my shoulders when I disliked how I sounded. I just realized how ridiculous I look like right now. I’m currently practicing how I’ll greet Sasuke-kun when he comes here. And I’ve been posing in front of the mirror numerous times while trying different kinds of impressions while thinking up of ways how to greet him when he comes here.

    I exhaled deeply as I raised my hands to tie my hair up. I stared at myself in the mirror. I was wearing the first thing I saw in my closet and luckily I smell good because I just took a shower. I guess I'm presentable enough for Sasuke-kun. I know that how my look should be the least thing that I should worry about at the moment, but I'm quite nervous and scared for today. I haven't been alone with Sasuke-kun in years. And the last time I was actually alone with him only gave me nothing but bad memories and horrible nightmares. 

    The door bell then suddenly rang and I quickly snap back into reality. He's here! Taking one last glance of myself in the mirror, I bolted down the stairs and went to the main door. I started straightening my clothes as I cleared my throat. I took a deep breath. I can do this. I was about to open the door until I realized something. What am I going to say? My hand froze as my brain wracked for something to say. Hi or hey? Hello or yo? The door bell rang once again and I jump in surprise. My heart feels like it's going to leap out of my chest. 

    I take deep breaths, calming myself down as I finally decided that I should just say anything that will come to my mind. I open the door to see Sasuke-kun and I give him a small smile. "Good afternoon, Sasuke-kun." I greet and he arches an eyebrow at me. My eyes widened in realization and I immediately slapped myself internally. It's morning, for Kami's sake! How could I get that wrong when I’ve practiced like a dozen times already! "I-I mean, g-good morning, Sasuke-kun!" Why did I even say this? It's too formal for any of our likings! And I can’t believe I just stuttered! Idiot! 

    "Hn," Sasuke-kun mutters and I look at him from top to bottom. Judging by the tired look in his eyes and the dark eye bags, it seems that he didn't sleep well last night. Is it because he's having difficulties being surrounded by strangers who look like your loved ones? Maybe, maybe not. I didn't dare to ask him though because somehow I'm kind of afraid that he’ll ignore me or say something blunt in return. 

    I also noticed that he wore casual clothes and a cap to cover his identity like what I told him to. He's surprisingly obedient, for once. I usher him to go inside and quickly close the door. Luckily, my parents aren't home because I sent them away to buy a kareoke machine. Yesterday, I realized that everything is just the same from last time. It was, indeed, Naruto's birthday yesterday! Surprising, right? 

    "Let's go to my room. We could talk there." I say and he nods and follows me up the stairs to my room. I open the door and we step inside. There's that déjà vu moment again, but this time Naruto is not here. I close the door behind us and also did the windows. Once I made sure no one can hear us, I brought out the piece of paper that I found is still in my pocket even after what happened. "Read this." I say as I hand him the paper. "That is the answer to all your questions." I add and he quickly accepted it before scanning the whole page quickly.

    He stared at the page, trying to process every single bit of information that is written there. "This...this is..." He trails off. He looks up at me, even though it isn't evident on his face, you could clearly see the confusion in his eyes. "How do you know all of this?" He questions seriously. "And when did we even write this all?" 

    "We were in another world or dimension before. You, me and Naruto, somehow we were able to find each other and told each other information and helped each other out. But that was until it happened." I say wistfully, remembering that dreadful memory as clear as day. I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. "He killed us and before I knew it, I found myself in Naruto's home only to find out that he has become a fake as well." 

     I looked back at Sasuke-kun to see that he looks even more confused than a while ago. To be frank, I'm surprised that I was able to witness this much emotion from him again except anger and annoyance, of course. "Who's 'he'?" He asks curiously. 

    "He's—" I cut myself short when I heard the doorbell ring. I scowled in confusion. Is that my parents? Why did they come home so fast? Did they really find a kareoke machine that easily? I stand up from my bed and go to the window. I peeked through the curtains just a bit to make sure if it's really them and I almost squealed at what I saw instead. 

    "Sakura, what's wrong?" Sasuke-kun asks seriously as he stood by my side to take a peek of who's outside as well while I took a step back. My heart was hammering inside my chest and I started to feel sick in my stomach. Images of that night kept flashing inside my head as my knees started to buckle and my hands started to shake slightly in fear. He's here.

Kaka-nisemono is here.

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