San-juu ni: The color orange

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Hey! Would guys do me a huge favor? Read my (kinda old and my first ever naruto related fan fiction so pls bear with it) naruto fan fiction "Sweat, blood and tears" it only has 70 votes and I really want it to reach a hundred plus like the rest of my stories! Don't worry it isn't long as this story (32 chapters) it's only 10!  

San-juu ni: The color orange 

    My eyes widened in surprise as Yamato and Sakura disappeared from my very eyes. Shit! Did he use a transportation jutsu? I sped down the stairs and went out of the house and looked left from right in hopes that I'll find a sign to where he has taken her. Finding none, I scowled and clenched my fists angrily. I'm such a fool! Dammit! I shouldn't have listened to her in the first place! I bit my lower lip in frustration as I tried to think of possible placed he must have taken her. My scowl deepened. Where could he have possibly taken her?

It was then it hit me. 

   'Yamato' or whoever he is, started acting rough or harshly which surprised Sakura. He is obviously a fake just like everyone else in this twisted world. But what if he's actually just like Kakashi? What if he's slightly different from the real one and he works directly from Madara—or the one said to be the mastermind in the paper I read. I guessed that he is working directly from Madara because out of all fakes here, he is the one who killed Sakura in the other world. Therefore, he must have taken her to the hokage's office, or the place, which is said on the paper, where he was last seen. 

    I then started to become anxious. Time is ticking and only Kami-sama knows what on earth is happening to Sakura now. I started to make my way to the hokage's office as I quickly tried to formulate a plan inside my head. I'm smart enough to think of a strategy before rushing into battle. Knowing that I don't have chakra whatsoever, rushing in like that is going to kill us both. 

    "Sasuke!" My thoughts were immediately interrupted when I heard someone call me from behind. I tried to ignore it and kept on running, but he eventually caught up on me and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

    "What do you want, Kakashi?" I ask coldly and he raises his hands back in defense. I can’t believe that from all people, I end up speaking to him. One of the many people I should never trust in this twisted world.

    "Come with me," He says seriously and I arch an eyebrow at him. "Something terrible happened!" He exclaims, his voice was laced with concern. 

    “Why will I listen to you?” I say harshly as I turn my back at him and start walking away.

   “It’s about Itachi!” He adds and I stop dead in my tracks. I rigidly turn around to face him and he stares at me expectantly.

   I know I couldn't trust him, but somewhere deep inside me wanted to know what happened to my older brother. "What happened?" I ask reluctantly.

    "He has gotten into a fight with some of your clan members and now he's wounded because he didn't fight back!" He explained in a rush.

   “How can I believe you?” I ask as I fold my arms in front of my chest.

    As if on cue, I started to hear people next to me whispering, “Hey, isn’t that Sasuke Uchiha? Itachi’s brother? Did you know he got in a fight this morning with one of the other Uchihas?”

    “What? He did?!” The other one exclaimed and I bit my tongue as I clenched my fists tightly. I can’t fall for his tricks. No, I just ca—

   “Sasuke!” Obito then started running toward me. He had a distraught look on his face and sweat was dripping down his face. It was obvious that he has been running for quite some time just to find me.  “Itachi has been wounded!” He exclaims worriedly. No way…

    I bit my lip, contemplating whether or not should I believe everything he has just said. But it was just so believable because he used to be in these kinds of fights when I was still a child. And not to mention the fact that all these fakes started mentioning him like that. But what if it’s planned? Shit.

   "T-take me to him." I say unconsciously. I wanted to take back those words but I can't. I want to run and go save Sakura, but I can't. It's like my body has a mind of its own and its leading itself right into the most obvious trap.

    Without any warning, Kakashi then grabbed my wrist and before I knew it, I found myself in a dark room. I look around and I can barely see anything. It was so quiet and it was obvious that I am alone. So this is how Yamato took Sakura. He really did teleport her. I could immediately tell by the sudden light sensation I felt just like every time I did before in the real world. But the question is...where? Was it really in the hokage office? More importantly, where on earth am I now? Am I possibly in the hokage's office as well? 

    Wait, no. That can't be. If this was the hokage's office, even if the lights were off, I'd still be able to see because of the light seeping in from the room through the window. I gritted my teeth. Where did he take me? And also...where is Kakashi? Why did he bring me here? What does he want? 

   I then saw something big move in the dark and I take a step backward cautiously and raise my fists, ready to fight back when necessary. I was wrong, I wasn't alone at all. There was someone watching me in the darkness. But who? I heard faint footsteps and I can immediately tell that he's already near. "Show yourself, coward!" I demand in a serious tone. The figure suddenly appeared now in front of me. Its red eyes were glowing brightly in the dark and staring deep into mine. I take another step back, but it came forth faster and in a blink of an eye, our faces were just inches away.

    Before I could make a move, the figure jumped up high with a knife in his hand and it glistened from the small light that seeps in the room. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the

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