Juu ni: What did happen?

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Hey guys! Big favor! Why don't the Kakashi fans try reading my stories "Cursed" and "Stranded", both of them are done already so don't worry. And if you aren't a Kakashi fan, how about my Naruto fan fiction "Sweat, blood and tears", there isn't any romance in it, just adventure, mystery and friendship. I want that to at least reach 100+ votes! It’s currently 69 (wink wink) and the rest of my naruto related fan fictions except this (well, not yet) has reached 100+! So please just press that button and read the story and make this girl’s day! Thank you (: Oh, and keep on commenting on what main ship all of you prefer! One person said NaruSaku, but I need more people to comment to make it official! Sorry for such a short chapter again! (P.S. Nisemono means fake)

Juu ni: What did happen? 


"I am very disappointed in you, Sakura," Ino starts with a big frown on her face. Her arms were folded across her chest and she was tapping her foot impatiently on the floor. "You're a doctor and yet you can't take care of yourself?" She says while giving me a disapproving look. "And to think you keep on bragging that you are the better nurse just because you've study med school just a few years earlier than me and have just a little bit more experience." She has been ranting and ranting on and on ever since I sat down on the bed. 

This has actually been going on for quite some time. It's like she completely changed personalities. Itachi, Obito and Kakashi-sensei, who finally came back along with the food just watched in awe. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" She says with a huff as she places her hands on her hips. 

I couldn't help but smile and even chuckle at her. She never changes, does she? Always looking out for me wherever and whenever in her own way. But there's only one problem: she isn't the real Ino. "I'm sorry," I say, bowing my head. My voice sounded so sad and sincere when in truth I was deep in thought at the fact that I'm alone and defenseless in a room full of people who I'm not supposed to trust and is to be considered an enemy. 

"For being a fool and making you worry," I continue, looking at her in the eyes. I just can't help but not believe that she's actually a fake. This really sucks. I blame everything that’s happening here on him, Uchiha Madara. I can’t wait to reunite with Naruto and Sasuke-kun so that we could share information. 

Her eyes softened before she looked away from me with a huff. "Who said I was worried?" She says stubbornly. "Stop assuming things that aren't even correct."

I roll my eyes at her. Typical Ino. She can be such a tsundere at times. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Ino-pig." I say while waving my hand dismissively.

Ino instantly shot me a death glare once I've called her that. "Hey!" She exclaims. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. I really missed Ino. Ever since the war began, I barely saw her and spoke to her casually. Since she's busy completing the Ino-Shika-Cho team to help other squads, I'm busy in the medical team helping the injured or sometimes I'm at my squad with Kakashi-sensei. 

Things got even worse when the...wait, what happened again? It was only now that I realized that what did Naruto, Sasuke and I do before we came here? The only thing I remembered left was Sasuke, Naruto and I was fighting against Madara, but then what happened? I'm so confused, why can't I remember?

"By the way, Sakura," I snapped out of my thoughts once Ino spoke up again. I looked at her, but my mind was drifting somewhere else. I've just thought of a new batch of questions for my already long list of questions, making me even more confused than before. I wonder how Naruto and Sasuke-kun are doing. Have they found something out? Or are they just as confused as I am? "What happened to you this morning? Why did you suddenly ran away and faint?" Ino asks as she sits down at the edge of the bed. I felt the corner of the bed dip down at her weight. 

Shit. What on earth will I say? What can I even make up? I was really hoping they wouldn’t ask me about that. What will I do now? I'm a medical ninja; I have to think up of something! Come on, Sakura, think! I quickly analyzed my reactions this morning and tried to compare that to one of the symptoms of sicknesses that I know that gives these kinds of effects. My eyes widened in realization once I've finally got an idea. "The heat was getting to me," I lie casually. This is good, I just have to keep this up and they’ll easily believe in me!

"My head started to hurt and I couldn't think straight anymore. I guess I was hallucinating at that time due to the heat and dehydration and eventually fainted from it." As I say this I tried my best to avoid eye contact with Kakashi-sensei. For some reason I could feel his eyes on me and I couldn’t help but feel a shiver run down my spine.

 Note to self; try to avoid Kakashi-sensei at all costs except, of course, when needed. Why am I even calling him Kakashi-sensei at the first place? He is obviously a fake! I could tell that he is a fake ever since I first saw him in this terrible world! You know what? I think a more suitable name for him is Kaka-nisemono! I let out a soft sigh. I should stop thinking so childish. I hate it when my Inner Sakura takes over. Ino would laugh at me if she only knew what I was thinking about now.

"Well, it's a good thing you're okay now, and it seems that your fever has lowered." Obito chimes in before he drinks the remaining soup from the cup ramen. 

"Yeah, I guess so.” I reply with a shrug.

“Hey, Sakura, by the way—" Itachi cut himself short when Ino suddenly let out a loud scream.

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