Ni-Juu ichi: Ramen date ruined

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No more Sasusaku in this chapter though :c. It wasn't really a moment so I won't make Sasuke ooc, but at least they spent some time with each other. The Narusaku moments will come really soon! Only a few (like 1 or 2) chapters left, and since many requested Narusaku, the moment will be more intense and longer! 

Ni-Juu ichi: Ramen date ruined

    This is honestly a great way to start my morning. You know why? The sun is shining, the delicious aroma of ramen fills the air, I'm beside my parents and the small restaurant is filled with our laughter. You know what's the best part? Instead of me treating them, they're treating me! I smiled happily to myself as I swing my feet back and forth. I couldn't wait. I've ordered my favorite—pork ramen with menma and fish cakes and my parents got the same thing. "Naruto!" Once I've heard someone call my name, I turned around as a book started flying my way and hit me on the face hard. I found myself seeing an angry Sakura-chan and an emotionless Sasuke beside her.

     "Idiot!" Sakura-chan growls as she clenched her fists in anger. My eyes widened at the sight and I pressed my back against the counter. What did I do now? "We were looking for you everywhere and we see you taking your sweet time here?" She took long strides toward me and each step made me feel smaller and smaller. She's going to kill me, I could feel it. When she finally came to me, I shielded myself, hoping I'll be able to lessen the pain Sakura-chan's punch will bring me. I waited but nothing happened. I slowly bring down my arms to see her smiling at my parents. "Hello!" She greets cheerfully. "And goodbye!" She yells as she hits me hard on the head. 

   "I'm sorry to intrude, but I have to take Naruto with me due to important reasons that I unfortunately cannot tell any of you right now." She says to my parents politely as I groaned and rubbed my head in pain. "See you!" She says, waving goodbye before she grabs me by the ear and started dragging me away. I look back at my parents; my mother has a proud grin on her face while my father has a flustered look on his face. 

  "Help!" I yell, reaching my hand out for them to grab it, but Sakura-chan looked back at me, shooting glares at me and I quickly silenced. "But Sakura-chan, my ramen!" I whined but she didn't listen as she continued to drag me until we were far away from Ichiraku and at a place were there aren't any people. She finally let go and I rubbed my ear. "What did I do to deserve this, Sakura-chan?" I cry. 

     She exhales deeply. "The food," She starts. "They erase your memory." She continues and I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "You should be grateful, we just saved your sorry ass from forgetting even more information." She adds before she hands me a piece of paper. I look down and started reading. My memory suddenly feels like it was refreshed and I can now remember everything. 

     "I remember now!" I exclaim in astonishment. "But how did you know?" I ask curiously as I hand her the paper again. 

     Sakura-chan glances at Sasuke before she takes a deep breath. "I found out after eating dinner. Before I ate I was reading that paper and when I came back to my room after eating, I suddenly forgot almost everything that we have discussed that day. After some thinking, I finally realized that it's the food that's erasing our memory." She explains. "I didn't know where you live, so I went to Sasuke-kun's house to warn him. I stayed overnight because it was already late at night and then in the morning, we skipped breakfast and began our long search to find you." 

     "You stayed at his house?" I yell. I can't believe it. They had a sleepover without me!

    "Did you just listen to anything I've just said?" Sakura-chan asks through clenched teeth and I take a step backward, afraid that she will punch me once again.

     Sasuke groaned in annoyance. "Naruto," He calls. "The point is, we searched for you to warn you about the food and no we're going to experiment on which kind of food won't make us lose our memory." 

    I nod, finally understanding our current situation. But just as I became serious about it, realization hit me like a brick. "Does that mean we can't have ramen?" I whine. You can take any food from me, but not Ramen! Now that is just cruel! 

   "Stop complaining, idiot!" Sakura-chan yells as she punches me on the head again. I immediately rubbed the spot she hit as I groaned in pain. 

    "Sakura-chan, why did you do that?" I say with a pout. Before Sakura-chan could reply, Sasuke spoke up.

    "Enough," Sasuke says, raising his voice a little bit. "This conversation is taking us nowhere. Would all of you just please cooperate so we could get this done before dawn when we go to that kareoke thing with Kakashi and the others?" After he said that, we suddenly started to hear a loud growl. I looked toward the source of the sound and I ended up looking at Sasuke, who was looking quite embarrassed at the sound that his stomach has produced. 

    I immediately laughed so hard at Sasuke as I pointed a finger at him. "Teme is hungry!" I say teasingly.

     "Would you just stop being so immature, dobe?" He mutters in exasperation.

     Whatever he said didn't stop me, I just kept on laughing. If possible, I would gladly want to frame this picture and put it on my bedroom wall at the real world. This is the best thing that has happened in this world so far. "Teme is—" I cut myself short when my own stomach started to growl as well. 

    Sasuke snickers. "That's what you get for being such an idiot." He says bluntly.

    "Hey!" I exclaim with a frown.

    "Guys!" Sakura-chan yells, trying to catch our attention and we both turn to look at her. "I would love to watch the both of you scream each other's head's off and bicker like when we were younger, but I am also hungry, so let's just get it over with." She says diplomatically. 

     I nod in agreement. "Okay,"

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