Ni-juu ni: Kareoke night

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Big favor! Please read my new and first Sasusaku fan fiction "I hate you"! Thank you! Oh and also, I swear that this fan fiction is giving me bigger and darker eye bags. I always have a busy schedule even on weekends so I write these chapters during nighttime. I really want to post 3 chapters on Sasuke's birthday so I can have 23 chapters on Sasuke's birthday which is July 23. Hehe luckily this is already the 2nd and Sasuke’s birthday is already tomorrow!

Ni-juu ni: Kareoke night

     I rested my back against the wall with my arms folded across my chest as I waited patiently for Naruto and Sakura. We found out earlier that fruits and vegetables are the only things we can eat. Upon finding that out, Naruto whined like a baby but Sakura quickly put him to silence by pulverizing him. After that, we separated to prepare ourselves for kareoke night with Kakashi and the others and we decided that our meeting place is Ichiraku Ramen. "Sasuke-kun!" I hear someone call. I turn my head towards the source of the voice to see Sakura.

    She is dressed casually for the night, it is similar to her old clothes before but her hair is up in a ponytail which is quite a rare sight for me. "Naruto is not here yet?" She asks and I shake my head. She nods in reply and stands beside me and looks up at the starry sky. "I wonder what's happening outside of this world." She mutters and I turn to look at her. She sensed that I was looking at her and she looked at me as well. She was about to say something until...

    "Sakura-chan! Sasuke-teme!" An idiot started running toward us and I exhaled deeply. Great. "I'm sorry I was late!" He says, bowing down multiple times.


    "That's okay, I just got here anyway." Sakura says with a smile and Naruto raises his head, a big smile forming his lips. "Now let's go?" She says looking from Naruto to me.

    "Yeah!" Naruto says a little bit too energetically as we started walking to our destination. "I love kareoke!" He exclaims and Sakura immediately facepalms.

    "Idiot, we're not coming there for the kareoke, remember?" She reminds in a harsh tone. "We're there to find information about this place.”

    “I get it,” Naruto says. “But isn’t it so bad to have just a little fun?” He asks and Sakura frowns in confusion.

     “Naruto, y—“ He cuts her off.

    “Yes, I get it; we shouldn’t have fun especially in this kind of situation, but think about it.” Naruto starts. “It was only just this morning when I realized that everything we ever wanted is in this world, well I guess, what I’ve always wanted. All the people who have died are alive; everything is peaceful because we don’t have any chakra, the bad guys are actually good and our friends and I became Sakura-chan’s boyfriend!”

    Sakura’s eyes widened at his last words and she immediately punched him on the head as a blush crept to her cheeks. “Idiot! Don’t say it out loud!” She scolds. “It’s embarrassing!” She exclaims as she covers her face with her hands.. “Not the fact that we dated in this world though, but the fact that I was in a relationship without any knowledge of what has happened when we were together.”

    “In your opinion, what do you think we were doing when we were together?” Naruto asks her curiously.

   She holds her chin and looks up thinking. I noticed that her cheeks are still red from embarrassment. “We’d probably eat a lot of ramen and…” She trails off to think some more until her face suddenly lit up as a big smile formed her face. “And you would always treat me!” She says, pointing at Naruto.

    “Hey, no fair!” Naruto groans with a pout.

   Sakura smiles triumphantly as she places her hands on her hips. “The boy always has to pay, remember?” She says.

    “No, we don’t!” Naruto defends. “Right, Sasuke?” He says, looking at me and I arch an eyebrow at him, annoyed at the fact he has dragged me into their conversation.

     “Hn.” I reply.

    “I take that as a yes!” Naruto exclaims, beaming happily.

    “Well, I take that as a no!” Sakura says with a huff as she folds her arms across her chest.

    “No, it isn’t!” Naruto argues.

    “Then why don’t we just ask Sasuke-kun?” Sakura suggests as the both of them turn to look at me.

   I exhale deeply. “I—“ I cut myself short when I’ve realized that we have finally reached our destination. It was just a small sushi/karaoke bar. We pushed the door open to see rookie 9 along with team Gai and their senseis sitting at the corner of the room facing the tv. They all greet us with happy yet at the same time confused faces when they all saw us together, and I finally know the reason why for that.

    All three of us enter the restaurant and we all sit beside each other. Everyone started passing drinks, foods and the books where all the songs are for singing is along with the microphone. They all shared stories, laughs and even memories. This has went on for quite some time until Sakura suddenly stood up, her eyes are widened in surprise and she was looking inside her purse.

    “I have to go back home,” Sakura says. “I forgot something.” I was about to offer to go with her because it’s already nighttime and like I’ve told her before, we can’t be wandering around during this time, but Kakashi beat me to it.

    “I’ll come with you.” He offers.

    “N-no, it’s okay.” She says awkwardly as she makes her way toward the door.

    “I insist,” He says and I catch Sakura purse her lips. He is quite persistent. That’s a bad sign. Before I knew it, I found myself standing up facing the both of them and everybody has got their eyes on me.

      “If you’re so worried about her, then I’ll come with her instead.”

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