Juu roku: Sharing information

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Sasuke's birthday is so close!! I'm so excited! I hope I can finish this story by that time though :/

Juu roku: Sharing information
     "The next thing I knew is that I was in front of my old home where the Uchiha clan used to be. I thought it was a genjutsu, but my sharingan won't activate. Itachi then came out of the house, making everything even worse. I lost control; I wasn't thinking straight anymore and I just said anything I wanted without even thinking twice. My mother and my father soon came out as well and I just decided that I couldn't do anything about it yet. I have to infiltrate into this home and find new information." Sasuke-kun began in a soft tone.

     "Really?" Naruto remarks. "I found myself being dragged by Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon toward my house to 'distract' me. They eventually greeted me happy birthday and told me to go into an unfamiliar house. I went in to see my parents with a cake. They started greeting me happy birthday and saying welcome home like any normal family does. Just like you, Sasuke, I've gotten out of control. I was so furious that I couldn't hold it in anymore. I ran away from that house, hoping I could find the both of you." Naruto explains in a tone to match Sasuke-kun's.

     "Why is mine so different?" I ask, confused. "Before I knew it, I found myself in front of Kakashi-sensei, my body was showing that it is frightened but my mind does not know why I'm even scared at the first place. I was soon able to understand when Kakashi-sensei was starting to act strange and ninjutsu didn't work at all. I ran away and ended up seeing Madara's statue instead of the 5 hokage faces. And then after that, I suddenly fainted."

     "So since we know where we all suddenly appeared, does any of you remember what we have done and where were we before we came here?" Sasuke-kun asks. His elbows were propped up on his lap and he was resting his chin on his hands that were intertwined with each other. "To be frank, I don't recall anything after I slept last night; it was like something erased our memory." 

     Naruto scowls in confusion. "Me too..." He says as he scratches his head. I can tell he is trying his best to remember what happened but he quickly gives up and ends up ruffling his hair and groaning loudly in frustration. "Why is that?" He exclaims loudly with a frown. "My mind feels so fuzzy whenever I try so hard to remember it. The last thing I remember is being taken away by the three of them." He adds.

     Why am I so different from them? I do remember something, although it isn't that clear. It's like a blurred picture; I can see it, but not well enough to see the details. While Sasuke-kun and Naruto were talking, I did my best to remember something. I pushed and pushed deep into mind just to find at least a small piece of my memory to find out what happened before we ended up here. "I do remember, although it's quite vague." I say and the both of them turned to my direction and looked at me as if I was the last ray of sunshine or hope. 

     "I remember a fight...with Madara," I start, trying to grasp onto that memory and trying my best not to forget it. "Team 7 was reunited and we worked on our teamwork, but—" I cut myself short, realizing that I've forgotten everything that has happened after that. I knew that I remember that something happened after that before, but why can't I now? I bow my head in a disappointment as I let out a long sigh. "Sorry, I don't remember anymore." I say sadly. I tried to avoid making eye contact because I didn't want to look at their disappointed faces.

     "That's okay!" Naruto exclaims as he suddenly stands up. I look up at him and he gave me a thumbs up. "It's better than nothing, right?" He says with a cheerful smile. "We can do this, at least we know something." He continues. "All we need is to investigate some more and we'll eventually know the answers to all our questions."

     "Wait," Sasuke-kun says as he stands up as well and grabs a notebook from one of my shelves. He tears one of the papers and gets a ball pen. He quickly started writing something down while Naruto and I look at him in confusion. "We need to write down what we have found out, because if there really is something out there that is making us forget, then this paper can probably save our lives." He says softly so that only Naruto and I can hear. Naruto and I nod in agreement to his idea and he grabs the wooden chair he sat on a while ago and dragged it closer to us before sitting down so that we could speak to each other better.

     "Write down all the informations or events that have happened to all of you on the paper then pass it on. We read what we wrote and ask questions to each other for further clarifications." He says in an ordering or demanding tone before he writes down what happened and what has he discovered.

     "Umm, Sasuke-teme, Sakura-chan?" Naruto starts as Sasuke wrote down on the paper with really neat penmanship what he has recently discovered.

     "Hn?" Sasuke mutters, still focusing on his paper while I look at him, encouraging him to continue. 

     "Have any of you, by some chance, uhh..." Naruto says nervously as he tries to find the right words to say. Sasuke finally looks at him while I arch an eyebrow at him. 

     "Just get to the point," I say impatiently. I want to find out what's going on. I'm already losing my patience and I bet Sasuke-kun is too. 

     "...find out anything about our weird love triangle thing?" The moment those words left Naruto's mouth, I swear I felt like I could have choked on my own saliva. I didn't know he was actually going to bring that up, in fact, I didn't even know that he knows. To be frank, I'm not sure if I'm ready to discuss such a topic with Sasuke-kun and Naruto. 

     "What love triangle thing?" Sasuke-kun asks. "Is there something I don't know about and the both of you do?" He questions while shooting the both of us one of his infamous Uchiha glares. Naruto swallows the lump in his throat while I bit my lower lip. I look over at Naruto and we stare at each other quite some time, silently debating on how we are going to tell him. 

     "Well, you see, Sasuke-kun, I heard from your brother and Obito when I was in the hospital, Naruto and I was once a couple but you suddenly came in the picture and took me away from him." I start with my head bowed down. I was afraid to look at him and I suddenly felt a thick tension in the air, luckily Naruto tried to ease it by speaking up again.

     "Unfortunately, I don't know what happened between the three of us because they said none of us knows except only three of us and the three of us only." Naruto adds, his voice was just as nervous as mine. I look up at him to see he also has his head bowed down. He was afraid to look at him too. But if you think about it, why are we so nervous and afraid at the first place? We both know very well he won't be that affected by it, but why do we still act that way? Is it maybe because of the fact of how embarrassing it is? Maybe, maybe not, who knows? 

    Sasuke-kun inhales deeply. "Is that it?" He asks casually. Naruto and I both quickly look up in surprise and he still has the same emotionless facade. "Tch, I don't get why the both of you get so worked up about this. Both of you have to remember that whatever is happening here won't affect us whatsoever in reality. All we need to do is to focus on how to get out of this world. Do the both of you understand?" He says it with such seriousness and I, as well, start to become serious.


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