Kyuu: Birthday party

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Hello everyone! I told you I’ll update sooner than expected ;). Anyway, listen to the music at the side! That's what Sasuke sang in the chapter and in Birthday part pt 2, I’ll put what Naruto sang hehe. >>> 

Kyuu: Birthday party

     I was walking next to Naruto with Obito at my other side to his house in this world. Apparently, today is Naruto's birthday in this world, and what's even more surprising is the fact that Itachi greatly insisted me to come to this party while he watches over Sakura along with the nurse a while ago and Kakashi. He also said something within the lines of, "I hope you and Naruto will be friends again after the party" once I've reluctantly agreed. To be frank, I didn't understand what that meant. Is Naruto and I supposed to be enemies here in this world as well? What happened here? I'm also starting to regret agreeing to this because I knew very well that I shouldn't have left Sakura alone with the enemy especially when she's sick and at the state of confusion and shock. But I knew that in order to find out what's going on here, I have to do whatever I can even if it's as simple as this. 

     I look over at Naruto, who looked like he was deep in thought. He had a troubled look on his face and he walked even slower than usual. "Naruto, what do you know that I don't?" I finally ask in a serious tone. I could immediately sense that something is not right. He would probably babble nonsense to me by now and would start freaking out because of our current situation, and to my surprise, he didn't. As I said that, I spoke in a hushed tone so that Obito won't hear us. He looks at me then at the ground before he lets out a long sigh. I was right, something is wrong. What does he know? 

     "My parents are alive," He replies softly with not the kind of tone that I was expecting. In fact he sounded slightly angry yet at the same time sad. I pursed my lips into a thin line. So his parents are alive as well? Who else is alive here? "And I can't even face them." He admits sheepishly. I remained silent. I understand. It was expected for him to feel that way, because it was almost the same reaction like mine. The little scene I've caused this morning suddenly came to my mind and I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away. Naruto then suddenly groaned and ruffled his hair in frustration until it was really messy. I arched an eyebrow at his said action. "Not only that, you, Sakura-chan and I are—"

     "Happy birthday, Naruto-san." A pale man with dark hair greeted with a small smile, making us stop dead in our tracks. He looked over at Obito and his smile widened. "Hello, Obito-san..." He hesitated for a moment. I narrow my eyes at him. What is up with him? "And Sasuke," He said my name cautiously as he looks at Naruto confused. Before Naruto could speak up, Ino came running out of the house he was standing next to, yelling something incoherent and probably not important.

    I rolled my eyes. She hasn’t changed. She’s still annoying even in a different world. Ino kept yelling at him something about paint before she suddenly stopped talking and looked at me in surprise. Her eyes were wide and her lips were slightly parted. I scowled in confusion, wondering why everyone is reacting this way around me. 

     She then quickly shook her head, snapping herself out of her thoughts before she let a big smile form her lips. "Hello, everyone!” She greets cheerfully. “And happy birthday Naruto!" She says in a cheerful tone. "Now come in! Everyone is waiting for you." She says as she rushes to Naruto and grabs his hand before dragging him into the house. I decided to follow them, curious what will happen next. I dug my hands deep into my pockets. This place is just full of surprises. Once I've stepped inside the house, I saw the third and fifth hokage, rookie 9 along with their senseis. Lee, Gai, Neji,Ten Ten and the sand siblings. Naruto's parents, Konohamaru and his friends and the 3 great sanin. 

     Everybody started singing the happy birthday song to Naruto cheerfully while I secretly continued to scan the faces of the crowd. Everyone seems exactly the same, except Orochimaru of course, in fact, he actually seems normal. There were also other people that I didn't mention because I don't know them and I'm quite curious to know their names in hopes to find more information in what's our current situation. But for now, first things first, I need to find out why everyone is still looking at me that way here. Once they were done singing, someone suddenly proposed that we should sing kareoke. I frown. I hate kareoke. 

     I was about to secretly leave to scout for more information but Naruto grabbed onto my wrist as soon as Lee dragged him to sing kareoke with him while yelling about youth. I purse my lips. Lee is also still annoying. So does that mean their attitudes hasn’t changed at all here? I frown in confusion, trying to process the information I already know and try to fit the pieces together even though I know so little. Lee forced us to sit down at a couch surrounded with the rest of the rookie 9 excluding Ino, who I didn't bother to even ask where she is,  sat either next to us or on the floor.

     Lee then suddenly gave the microphone to a dazed Naruto as a song started to play. Not knowing what to do, he just sang along while others clapped and cheered. The rest, I've noticed that they were staring at me as if I committed a crime here as well. What did I do? I look at Naruto. Just what does he know? He was about to say something a while ago...what was it? 

    I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize Naruto handed the microphone to me. I frowned at the microphone and tried to hand it back to him but he didn't accept it. I gritted my teeth and tried again, and he still didn't accept it. The next song was about to play and everyone started to cheer. I groaned in frustration. There is no way am I going to sing. "Naruto, stop being such a child, get the mic." I say sternly. I remember telling him to go with the flow but not this way. What is this idiot thinking? We shouldn’t be relaxing like this.
     "What?" Naruto taunts. "Are you chicken?" He says, arching an eyebrow.

    My grip tightened on the microphone. That's it. I am not a chicken. My competitive side against Naruto just like when we were kids started to overwhelm me and I couldn't help but accept this irritable challenge. "Hn," I mutter as I look back at the screen. Once the music for the next song finally started, I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to sing.

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