Juu: Anger and confusion

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Help me! I have no idea what's the main ship for this fan fiction. I'm honestly a hardcore SasuSaku shipper but in this fan fiction, I want to base the official pairing on the reader's choice or opinion. You will soon know what Naruto knows here in this chapter and I guess it's up to all of you to decide if it's NaruSaku or SasuSaku. (: But for now, I'll be a kishitroll.

Juu: Anger and confusion 

     They told me to rest and relax, but honestly, I can't. For one main reason: Obito and Itachi Uchiha are sitting just a few feet away from me. The nurse, Rin, whose name I recently just found out from Obito, is with Kakashi getting some food which means they left me alone with them. My heart was relentlessly pounding inside my chest and my mind kept spinning. I didn't know what to do, should I just stay here or should I try to run away? I look at my only chance of escape which is the door. It is closed but if I'm lucky and quick enough, I can make it out alive. I shook my head, remembering Sasuke-kun's words. Stay calm, Sakura and go with the flow. 

    "So, Sakura, how are you with Sasuke?" I heard Itachi ask me, breaking the silence. I immediately lost my cool. Tingles ran down my spine as I sat there on my bed paralyzed. I tried rack my brain to know what to say but nothing pops out. I tried to speak, but not a single word came out of my mouth. "Sakura?" He calls again.

     I rigidly turn my head to look at him as he stares at me intently. I take in a deep breath. I can do this. Just calm down and speak casually. "W-what do you mean?" So much for being casual, Sakura. I squeezed my sweaty hands nervously as I recalled that Sasuke-kun told me to note that in this world, Sasuke-kun and I are lovers. 

    "Yeah, how are you guys? I've been hearing a lot about you, Naruto and Sasuke and I wanted to confirm if it's true." Obito chimes in as he swings his feet back and forth while sitting down on the edge of the wooden table next to the door. I look at him confused and at the same time surprised. What is happening? I have no idea what to say. What does he mean? 

     "I mean your relationship," Itachi replies casually. "Like is it working out? Is he a good boyfriend? What do you do on dates? And..." He started listing questions that made me panic internally. What will I say to that? Am I going to make up something? But what if he sees through that? This is Uchiha Itachi we're talking about. "Have you really moved on from him?" He asks me seriously as he looks me in the eyes. I swallow the lump in my throat. Move on from who? 

    "Yeah, just what happened?" Obito asks curiously. "Everybody is so confused on what's happening with the three of you and like what I said earlier, people are starting to talk, you know." He added. 

    "What do you mean?" I ask, turning to look at Obito. "And why?" Maybe I can think up of a story with whatever he's going to tell me. I'll just have to tell Sasuke-kun and Naruto later on about this. 

     Obito takes in a deep breath. "Since you and Naruto were together for quite some time and then you suddenly broken up and became in a relationship with Sasuke a few months later, of course people started to talk. But the three of you stayed silent, not even your own friends know what happened." He explains seriously. My eyes widened for a moment as my jaw dropped to the floor. I shook my head, trying to conceal my surprised look with a serious one. I can't believe it. I was in a relationship with Naruto in this world? What is happening? 

    "And so..." I trail off, hoping that he’ll him to continue. Even though I put on a careless facade, in the inside I wanted to scream on the top of my lungs. This is completely insane. I can't believe that this is actually happening. I want to talk to Sasuke-kun and Naruto now and trade information. This is so confusing! How did I become lovers with Naruto? And what did happen between the three of us?

    "What really happened?" He asks as the both of them stared at me curiously, waiting for my response. I took a deep breath nervously as I swallowed the lump in my throat. What am I going to say? Think Sakura, think!

     "I think I need to use the washroom." I mentally slapped myself at my stupidity. My brain kind of stopped thinking due to all of these confusing questions they keep on asking me and I honestly just said the first thing that came to my mind. Pathetic, yes, I know. But think of it on the bright side, this is a good excuse to escape their questions. Obito gave me a skeptical look while Itachi arched an eyebrow at me.

     I eagerly swung my feet out of the bed, setting them on the floor. I quickly walked out of the room barefooted. I wanted to leave as soon as possible, I don't want to be pestered with these confusing questions while I try to process everything in my mind. I cringed from time to time due to the coldness of the tile cemented floors. It was obvious that I still have a fever, but I know that I have to bear it.

    "Sakura?" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. I turned around, curious to see who called me. My eyes widened in surprise to see Ino Yamanaka standing just a few meters away from me. "What are you doing?" She asks, arching an eyebrow at me. I know very well that she's a fake but I can't help but wish and think that she isn't. 

     "I'm going to the washroom." I replied frankly while trying to act calm and collected. I looked at her from top to bottom. She still looks the same. She still has the same big, blue eyes, long, blonde hair and bangs that covers her left eye.

     "Why are you barefooted?" She asks, pointing to my feet.

    I looked down at my pale, small feet and bit my lip. I looked up at her and nervously scratched the back of my head. "I really needed to go so..." I half lied. I really needed to get out of there but I really don’t feel like doing my business. Her eyes widened in surprise for a moment before she let out a loud laugh. I frowned in confusion. What's so funny? Why is she laughing? Does she find what I said funny? 

    "It's a good thing you're okay," She says in a relieved tone once she was done laughing. For a moment, my heart started to falter. The look of sincerity in her eyes and the sound of her voice...how could someone ever make Ino exactly the same? It was so cruel and I couldn't help but become mad. How dare they do such a thing! I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. That Madara...I will turn him into pulp even if it's the last thing I do! "Sakura? Are you okay?" She asks, snapping me back into reality.

     "I'm sorry, but I really need to go! Talk to me later at my room when I come back!" I say quickly. "Bye!" I say in a rush before I scurry on to the nearest bathroom. Once I've went in, I opened the faucet and started washing my face to calm myself down. This...this has to stop. I looked at myself on the mirror and I frowned. My hair was a mess and my skin was paler than before. There were dark bags under my eyes and my lips were cracked and dry. Water dripped from my face and from the ends of my hair that also got wet when I washed my face. I let out a sigh as I ran a hand through my unruly pink hair. 

     I couldn't help but wonder if Sasuke and Naruto felt the same way when they saw their family.

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