Ni-juu roku: Itachi

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Keep on commenting which is the main ship! I'm still having troubles on which ship I'll pick! By the way, there wouldn't be Naruto povs that much anymore because Naruto is already a fake. It's going to focus more on Sasuke's and Sakura's perspectives (doing sasuke's perspective is hard tho because it's hard to write what he'll actually think).

Ni-juu roku: Itachi

    I open my eyes to see that I'm sitting down on a couch surrounded by rookie 9. They are all talking and laughing boisterously while I sat at the center of all of it. I scan my surroundings in confusion. Where am I? I've never seen this place before, but why does it feel like I've already been here more than once? They don't seem to be confused as well about the situation and everybody seems so laid back and happy, even Neji and Shikamaru are joking around and laughing with them. It was then I realized Naruto and Sakura are not here. Where are they? They're usually the main focuses on these kind of things since Naruto would usually say something idiotic and Sakura will punch him for that and then everyone else will start making jokes about it. 

    Anyway, that's not the point, why can't I remember how I got here? Where am I? Why don't I know why I'm here in the first place? And why am I the only one who's like this? And more importantly, how could I forget all of that basic information all of a sudden? "Hello!" Ten ten greeted loudly, interrupting my thoughts. I turned to look at her and she seems to be waving at something. I follow the direction of where she is waving to and see Sakura and Naruto walk in the room. 

    What's quite surprising is the fact that they're holding hands. I scowled in confusion. Never in my life have I expected Naruto and Sakura to make that kind of physical contact. Naruto would try to do such a thing but of course, Sakura is always against it and she'll pulverize him when he tries. What's with the sudden change of heart?

    It was then I've noticed their facial expressions. On one hand, Naruto seems quite happy and proud while Sakura seems to be troubled, confused and she seems to be searching for something. What happened? What on earth is going on here? I was about to question them until I saw him.

Uchiha Itachi.

    My world suddenly stopped for a moment and somehow all the noises in the background seemed to be muted. All I could hear the fast beating of my heart as I watched his every move. How is he alive? Why is he with Sakura and Naruto? What is happening here? Is he an Edo-tensei? But I thought he and I took care of that? I suddenly started to feel sick at the pit of my stomach as my veins run cold. Is this possibly a dream? No, it's to vivid to be one. Is it a genjutsu? If so, who placed it on me? 

     I was about to approach them and demand answers but the empty space beside me on the couch suddenly dipped in as a sign that someone sat beside me. I glance to my side to see that it was Sakura. "Sakura, what is happening here?" I ask, or more like demand. She just stared at me for a while as if she's contemplating whether or not she'll tell me. After some time, I was starting to get quite impatient, especially since Itachi is in the same room as me. I was about to stand up, not bothering to hear anymore what she's going to say until she said something weird to me. 

    "Use your mangekyou sharingan on me." She says boldly. I scowl at her in confusion. She's quite audacious to ask such a thing to me. What is up with her? 

   "Why?" I ask, looking into her jade eyes. They looked so serious and that made me even more confused. What does she have in mind? What is she not telling me? And what does she know that I don’t?

    "Just do it." She orders gravely. I arch an eyebrow at her before exhaling deeply. She asked for it. I tried to activate my sharingan, but somehow my field of vision remained the same. I tried again and again, until the point I've started to get dizzy. What is happening? Why can't I activate my sharingan? Do I lack chakra? No, that's impossible, I don't feel exhausted or nauseous, in fact, I’m completely fine. Then if that is so, why can't I utilize my sharingan? 

    I then hear her sigh in relief and I look at her in confusion. Did she do this to me? If so, how could she do such a thing? And why? "Tomorrow morning, go to my house but keep your identity hidden because I can’t be seen with you alone here. Don’t worry, Sasuke-kun, I'll explain everything there. For now, no matter how weird things get, just don't trust anyone except me, go with the flow and act natural." She whispers so that no one else can hear it except me before standing up and going to Naruto. 

    I watch her walk to him before my eyes unconsciously land onto Itachi. He still looked the same from the last time I saw him and that's what made my heart somehow break into a million pieces as I recalled the thousands upon thousands of memories we shared. I could tell he's fake despite his appearance, but I couldn't help to start become furious on the person who would do this to just mess up my feelings. 

    I balled my hands into a fist and clenched it tightly as I tried to push those thoughts away. I need to remain calm and focus on the goal. My goal is to have enough knowledge about wherever I am because I swear once I do find out that I'm going to kill who ever did this ludicrous illusion and stop this madness.

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