Juu nana: Madara

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Hey guys, I'm currently sick with diarrhea :c (to be honest it sucks because I can't eat ANYTHING without letting it out and because of this I'm losing so much weight) and school is suspended due to a level four typhoon. Please pray for the Philippines, the country I live in, especially since they are predicting that a level 8 earthquake will come here at the area where I'm currently living in. Oh, and praise the heavenly Jashin! The exciting parts are coming! Keep on commenting on which ship you prefer! 

Juu nana: Madara

     He is obviously the one who trapped us here. All the information we have gathered points to him—Uchiha Madara. Apparently, everything that happened is connected, it was like it was planned that we are all going to meet, see or hear something at some instances or learn and discover certain things. Sakura, for example, she saw Madara's statue confirming a theory that I had in mind when she told us the only thing she remembers before we came here.

    He sent us here, but the question is, how? All of us don't remember what happened else, but I only know one thing for sure, he wants us to know that he's the one taking over this world, especially since all three of us are like trapped mice. We have no chakra, no ninja weapons and no summonings. Without any of that, we're practically useless, giving Madara the advantage. Not only that, why did he only pick the three of us? Why didn't he pick Kakashi as well or even the rest of the shinobi included in this war? 

    What makes me even more confused is the different and odd situations he has stuck us into. I don't get it at all, I can't figure out what he has up his sleeve and it's driving me crazy. All I know for now is we have to find a way to get out of here while we still have the time. "Naruto, Sakura, let's take a walk." I order as I stand up from my seat and start my way to the door. The both of them quickly follow and I try to imagine the confused looks on their faces as we go through the hallways and down the stairs and through the door. 

    "Sasuke-kun, where are we going?" Sakura asks as she and Naruto try to keep up with my pace. Sakura never fails to amuse, despite everything that has happened, she still has the same glint in her eyes whenever she looks at me and she still calls me that after all these years. Some things haven't changed at all like Naruto's idiocy.

    "Sakura, I want you to lead the way. Shows us where you saw the Madara statue that hopefully might lead us to some clues that'll bring us one step closer into finding a way out of here." I say and she nods obediently. She walks ahead of us and leads away. As I watch her walk ahead of us, it was then I realized how big she has grown compared to the time I saw her that night. Who knew so much can change within just 3 years? 

    "Oi Sasuke," Naruto calls and interrupts my thoughts as he nudges me on the elbow.  I arch an eyebrow at him while trying my best not to glare at him. "Do you have any idea why all three of us ended up this way?" He asks curiously. "You must have thought of some kind of theory, right?"

    I exhale deeply. "To be frank, I would like to know the answer to that as well." 

   Naruto sighs deeply as disappointment crosses his face. "I wonder when can we ever find the answers to all these questions?" He asks no one in particular as he kicks a pebble that skips a little and falls into a pile of sand. 

   "We're here." Sakura announces softly. Naruto and I both follow the direction of where she's looking to see the Madara statue. It shined and glimmered brightly and it stood tall and proud. It was a statue of him with his hands on his hips while looking straight forward, like as if he is watching over the village. I frowned at the sight. Why is there a statue of him? I take a step backward and try to look at the bigger picture. If that is where Madara's statue is then where is the hokage office? I then spot the large building not so far away from the statue. I slowly scan the building starting from the bottom, it still looked the same from the last time I saw it.

    The only difference was instead of seeing the third or fifth hokage, I saw Madara standing by the window, staring at us. My eyes widened in surprise as I suddenly felt sick in my stomach. He is here, and he is watching our every move. What does he want with us? No, I think the better question is, what does he have planned for us? I take another step backward until I bumped into something hard and warm. I quickly jump back and spin around to see who or what I've bumped into. "Hello guys, it seems all of you are admiring our great leader's statue, huh?" Kakashi says with his usual eye smile. I narrow my eyes at him. Did Madara send him? 

    We remained silent and he simply shrugs and kept on talking. "It was a good thing I was immediately able to find you three when I found out Sakura-san has already been discharged from the hospital." I arched an eyebrow at him. Sakura-san? Really? I guess that is what Sakura meant by 'acting weird'. What intrigues me is the fact that he is the one who acts differently from the others, why is that? "But it's good thing you look okay, Sakura-san," He says, looking at Sakura. "Let's celebrate," 

    "W-what?" Sakura says. "I-I don't think..."

    "Nonsense! Tomorrow night...let's have some sushi and sing some kareoke." He says. Before we could even deny the offer, he quickly spoke up again. "I've got to go, see you tomorrow!" And with that, he ran off.

    "Sasuke-kun...should we come?" Sakura asks, looking at me. "I'm worried because we might end up in a trap." She says and Naruto nods his head in agreement. "You know, especially since we don't have any chakra at the moment." She adds.

    "We're coming," I say in a stern and serious voice. "During the party, hopefully, we will be able to find some piece of information. All we need to do is to stick together at all times in case anything happens and report immediately to each other when something does happen, got it?" I was getting really impatient now. Madara...

What does he have up his sleeve?

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