Nana: More confusion

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Thank you for all the votes and nice comments! I really appreciate it. And because of that, I decided to update faster than what I've planned. Keep on voting and commenting and I'll update even faster! I promise! And who has read chapter 681? And who also believes that there's going to be some Sakura and Kaguya interaction that will be Sakura's great character development? Oh, what do you think about the truth about Kaguya and her sons? 

Nana: More confusion


     "Naruto?" He calls in surprise as he looks down at me. He was just wearing casual clothes and in his hands is a bento box and a few flowers. My heart hammered inside my chest. I can't believe it. "What a surprise! Where are you off to?" He asks curiously as he brings out his hand for me to grab it. Uchiha Itachi is actually standing before me, and not to mention the fact that he's acting so friendly with me. What is up with this place? I stand up on my own and dust off the dirt from my pants, only realizing now that my clothes have changed. I frowned in confusion. Who changed my clothes? "I'm sorry about that; I didn't watch where I was going." He says sincerely. I look at him confused and at the same time surprised. He's alive, just like my parents. Is the whole Uchiha clan "alive" here as well? And so is the rest of the people who have died? Like Ero-senin? 

     My heart sank to my chest at the thought of my old sensei that I treated like a grandfather. I suddenly remember his quirky yet perverted attitude and all the fun times we shared. The life lessons that he has taught me that helped me become a better person and the jutsus that he passed down to me that made me a stronger ninja. I let out a sigh, trying to push my thoughts away and purse my lips before taking a step back, reminding myself that just like my parents; he's a fake as well. And even if he isn't a fake, I still couldn't trust him after all that has happened. "So are you going to visit Sakura as well?" He asks as he continues walking. 

     My eyes widened in shock as I snapped my head to look at him. "Sakura-chan?" I ask in surprise. A dozen of questions came to my mind immediately. Is she alright? "What happened to her?" I swallowed the lump in my throat, hoping that she's okay. I followed him to where he was going while trying to keep up with his pace. Where is she? Is she safe? I started to get worried about Sakura-chan, and even Sasuke. I wonder what happened to them? 

     He looks back at me. "Obito didn't tell you?" He asks as he tilts his head to the side in confusion. He looks at me for a moment and notices the grave look on my face before letting out a sigh. "Oh well," He says with a shrug. "Sakura is in the hospital, something happened to her this morning, but I wasn't informed on what exactly happened." He explains, his voice had a hint of concern as he continues walking. "I hope she's okay though, oka-san is also worried about her when she heard the news so she gave me some money to buy flowers and she made a small meal for her when she wakes up." 

     My jaw dropped to the floor at what he said. Since when did his parents and he become so close with Sakura-chan? Is this Sakura-chan possibly a fake as well? Wait, how can I even tell who's fake or not at the first place when they are alive in reality and in here as well? "So, what were you doing? You were running out of your house and you have looked like you have seen a ghost." He asks, interrupting my thoughts. I look at him in surprise and quickly look away while scratching the back of my head while trying to think of a proper excuse. Think of a lie, Naruto! Come on!

     I then saw a spider web at the corner of an old shop we passed by and my mind instantly clicked. "I saw a spider!" That was the only thing I could think of, pathetic right? "A really huge one!" I exaggerated as I did different gestures to match what I'm saying. "It's probably as big as your bento box!" I say, pointing at it. He looked at it then at me skeptically.

     "I don't think that's possible," He states matter of factly. I started to feel nervous. He found out. What if he starts fighting me now? What will I do? 

     "I-i-it is!" I exclaim as I fold my arms across my chest and look away, trying to sound as convincing as possible. 

      "You probably just imagined it, since you are quite simpleminded." He says casually as he turns to look at me. I mentally let out a sigh of relief. Thank god, he fell for it—wait, who is he calling simpleminded?

     "What did you just call me?" I demanded with a huff. I'm actually casually conversing with Uchiha Itachi, somehow it feels nice, it was just like talking to a kinder and older version of Sasuke. Wait, what am I thinking? I tried to push those thoughts away, reminding myself that this isn't the real Uchiha Itachi and that I'm only being with him to discover what has happened to Sakura-chan and to see if she is alright or not.

     "You heard me," He replies.

     "Would you please repeat it?" I say quite loudly as I lean closer to his face and narrow my eyes at him. He takes a step to the side to get some distance between us before looking at me again.

    "No," He says stubbornly. "Why don't you clean your ears first so you can hear the things that I'm saying?" He says curtly. I brought out my tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes at me. "You really are simpleminded," He says with an exasperated sigh.

     "You said it again!" I yell as I point an accusing finger at him. 

     "How would you know if I said it again if you were trying to imply a while ago that you haven't heard what I've described you as?" He asks quizzically as he arches an eyebrow at me. Damn, Uchihas. Why do they all have to be so smart and witty? Especially him and Sasuke. I officially give up. I let out a sigh and just remained silent. We fell silent for a few moments before Itachi spoke up again. "Are you okay?" He asks, his voice had a hint of concern. 

     I look at him and scowl in confusion. "I guess?" I reply unsurely, wondering why he asked me that all of a sudden.

    He then suddenly looks at me sympathetically. "You still haven't moved on Sakura, right?" He says softly. My scowl deepened. How does he know about my crush on Sakura-chan? And why did he suddenly say that to me? He lets out a sigh and shakes his head before putting a hand on my shoulder. "I wish you the best of luck after what he has done to you." He says sadly. I tilt my head in confusion.

     "What?" I asked confused. What is he talking about?

     He took a deep breath before letting out a long sigh. "I'm sorry that my brother stole your ex girlfriend, especially since he's your best friend. I hope everything is working out by now." My eyes widened in surprise as my jaw dropped to the floor.

Say what?

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