Go: Birthday? [pt 2]

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Go: Birthday? [pt 2]


     I hesitantly walk toward the door of the home. I looked back at Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon who looked at me expectantly. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I held the shiny door knob. I took a deep breath as I pulled the door open. I found the place unexpectedly...dark. "Tadaima," I say softly as I step inside and remove my shoes due to habit. Even though I knew no one would say "okairi" like I've always dreamed it to be, I still say it. I continue walking down the dark hallway until I see a door that seems to have a bright light seeping out. I hesitantly open the door and as I did, confetti was sprayed at me and by instinct; I shielded myself using my arms as I close my eyes. I then suddenly heard two voices sing the happy birthday and due to my curiosity I gingerly open my eyes to see who the sources are.

     My eyes widened in surprised and my body froze as I felt my heart dropped inside my chest. How is this possible? My stomach knotted as I felt my head starting to spin. So many questions crossed my mind at that instant like, why are they here? Where are we? What is happening? Why are they alive? I felt like my body just shut down from so much shock. My body was so paralyzed until a point where I am hardly breathing. I can’t believe that they are actually standing in front of me, singing Happy Birthday.

     Once they have finished their song, my mother smiled at me sweetly and said in a sincere and genuine tone, "Okaerinasai, Naruto." That simple yet meaningful sentence is what made something within me snap as the shock from a while ago instantly melted away. Just because of that, I’ve finally came to my senses. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth in anger. 

     "Is this some kind of cheap trick?" I found myself yelling at them. How dare they. These fakes before me are not my parents! "You guys are not my parents!" I was furious. I hated the fact that whatever this trick they are pulling with me is messing up my feelings and impersonating my own parents. I felt my pulse sped up and my breathing was becoming very shallow. Who on earth is the master behind this?

     “What are you talking about, Naruto?” My father asks, the word ‘confusion’ was clearly written on both of their faces. I felt my muscles grow tense and my temperature rising, I could almost feel my blood boiling in his veins. I can’t believe they’re actually playing innocent. I hate this!

     “Naruto?” My mother calls softly as she takes a step forward while I took a step backward. I narrowed my eyes at her as I pursed my lips into a thin line. “Is there something wrong?” She asks, her voice laced in concern. I was clenching my fists so tight until the point my nails were already digging into my skin and piercing it slightly.  

     “Get away from me!” I scream, taking another step backward. Hurt crossed their faces and I instantly felt guilty. I groaned in exasperation as I ran a hand through my hair and ruffled it in frustration. I took a deep breath before letting out a long sigh, trying to calm myself down.  I look into my mother’s  blue eyes, she looks exactly the same from the first time I saw her; she still has that long, beautiful red hair that was parted to the side and that was held back with a small, black clip. She still had the same features like her small nose and full lips and her eyes still held the same sincerity and kindness that never failed to give me a warm and homey feeling.

     I looked away stubbornly, trying not to fall into their tricks. I reminded myself that she isn’t my real mother and father. Without second thought, I turned around and bolted off. Being in the same room with the fakes suffocated me until the point I couldn’t even breathe properly and think straight anymore. I need to get away from them as far as possible and I have to find out what’s happening. Where’s Sakura-chan? Kakash-sensei or even Sasuke? Just what is this?

     And how about Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi? Were they the masterminds? I shook my head in disbelief. That’s impossible. But what if all three of them are fakes as well and part of this sick plan? And how will I know whose fake or not? Damn, this is so confusing!

    I finally ran out of that place and continued running. As I left the house, I’ve noticed that Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi have already left. I clenched my teeth. So they did just try to lure me in here and that means they are part of this sick plan. But that doesn’t make any sense at all! I frowned in confusion. If they lured me in here, wouldn’t they stay outside to guard the area when I try to escape? But then what if they were telling the truth and they aren’t fakes at all?

     I groaned in frustration. I decided not to think about it anymore because this is getting me nowhere. I have to find Kakashi-sensei, Sakura-chan and Sasuke first before anything else. Maybe they know what’s happening.

     The ground blurred below me as I felt a surge of adrenaline. The steady thump of my footsteps echoed in my ears and I felt a bead of sweat roll down my forehead. I didn’t know where I was going; I just wanted to get away from there. I never felt so confused in my whole life. How could the people who are supposed to be dead, alive? Why does Konoha look like what happened with Pein never happened? There are so many unanswered questions…

     I then decided to just keep running, my thoughts running faster than my own legs. To be frank, running on the streets of Konoha was never easy but doing it while your mind is a mess makes it even harder. All I remember is hitting something hard. As I spun around falling to the ground, I looked up and there he was standing over me ominously. My breath got caught in my throat as my heart pounded relentlessly inside my chest once I’ve realized who that guy is.

Uchiha Itachi.

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